[TriLUG] Hit me with your best shot

Ken MacKenzie ken at mack-z.com
Thu Mar 13 12:23:05 EDT 2014

Resending, without attachment, duh...

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Ken MacKenzie <ken at mack-z.com> wrote:

> 1.  My only scanner available to me is not linux compatible.  Bane of my
> home office, so I used a virtualized windows on my desktop to deal with it.
>  Lexmark X series.  So the only way I could do that would be with the home
> desktop in the equation.  Just not enough space on the 16gb SSD to add a
> vbox windows.vdi in here.  Maybe with an external added in, which should
> arrive today.  Other option is if someone has a native SANE compatible
> scanner I can connect to to give it a try.  Now conceivably another way I
> could try this would be with the web cam on here or in combination with a
> mobile device camera...  But that is probably an unacceptable work around.
> 2.  I have inkscape installed.  Not a great artist.  Just made a quick
> ugly random usage of various tools in it, attached:
> 3.  Quake will have to wait till later when not on my work place's network.
> 4.  WebGL works.  Did that one in Chromeos, worked well, maybe a touch of
> a delay at first load and on one was kind of partially loaded, but worked
> smooth.  Under crouton it worked, but performance was abysmal compared to
> in ChromeOS.
> I will get back to you on the Quake thing.
> Ken
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Igor Partola <igor at igorpartola.com>wrote:
>>  - Scan a paper document into a PDF.
>>  - Fill out a PDF form, like the ones posted by the IRS.
>>  - Open a PSD file and export individual layers. This is a common task
>> when
>> slicing a PSD web design to get individual assets for creating HTML/CSS
>> ready for web publishing.
>>  - Create a vector graphic (under Ubuntu I'd use InkScape for this).
>>  - This may be one of the "silly" things, but try
>> http://www.quakelive.com/
>>  - Try some WebGL examples: http://www.chromeexperiments.com/webgl/
>>  - Install and run a BitCoin wallet. This is not mining BTC, just keeping
>> up with the network and keeping your coins locally. Try LiteCoin if you
>> want something with a smaller network, so it should use a bit less CPU.
>> Igor
>> --
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