[TriLUG] Hit me with your best shot

Ken MacKenzie ken at mack-z.com
Fri Mar 14 14:24:42 EDT 2014

You now that you mention that is a big divide among laptop users. I mean in
the end it is portability plus power.  I personally will always go for real
work at  desktop station.  But I am sure there are many who choose to have
but one machine and in that case a desktop replacement laptop starts to
make a lot of sense. That is one of the reasons I even started this topic
as there are so many ways people view what a laptop should be/do that I
felt it best to get some outside perspective to really evaluate the true
capabilities of this machine.  Well actually the true usefulness.  I mean
capability is typically a concrete metric, not as much an abstract of
various use cases.


On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Joseph S. Tate <dragonstrider at gmail.com>wrote:

> There is a large preponderance of desktop replacement laptops (15" and
> higher displays) among the LUG population, and those typically have only
> enough battery to move the plug from one location to the next. My 12" Dell
> XPS worked fine (running Ubuntu).
> --
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