[TriLUG] How to prevent? "fsck died with exit status 4"
Michael Peters
michael00peters at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 16:54:05 EDT 2014
Have you tried this with SSD disks? I suspect the random writes
latency problem would go away.
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Ken MacKenzie <ken at mack-z.com> wrote:
> It has to do with trying to access the same disk at different points at the
> same time. Recording in Ardour you will be hitting the disk at three
> different points:
> 1. reading the application and OS
> 2. SWAP (turning swappiness down to 10 is usually recommended)
> 3. The actual write of the recorded data.
> add an optional 4th point if you are tracking along with existing tracks
> and reading that data point.
> Fact is Ardour has long had an issue with writing to the same disk that it
> and the os and the swap is being run from.
> When I would record remote with Ardour and the firepod it could not be done
> with just the internal drive, would always get an error. As soon as added
> a USB 2.0 drive as the external audio data store all disk access issues
> went away.
> On my desktop I have /home mounted to a completely different disk drive and
> that is where Ardour records to.
> I appreciate the thoughts of what should be faster but this is a long known
> thing when recording with ardour particularly with laptops. The solution
> has always been to use an external data store with laptops and dual drives
> when using a desktop.
> Ken
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Joseph Mack NA3T <jmack at wm7d.net> wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 Sep 2014, Ken MacKenzie wrote:
>> Fact is for running Ardour to record audio an external drive is a must for
>>> a laptop. Ardour does not cooperate well when the OS and application live
>>> on the same physical drive as the recording target. A different partition
>>> alone won't do it. It literally needs a different physical medium.
>> if speed is neccesary, then an external usb v2.0 harddrive (ie designed
>> for backup only) is not going to cut it. Nothing external is going to be as
>> fast as the internal disk (path is shorter). Maybe he could run the app off
>> a cdrom and write to the laptop drive at least till it starts running well
>> Joe
> --
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