Jason Evans
jsevans at youvegotthe.info
Mon Jan 5 08:52:35 EST 2015
There's this:
On 1/5/2015 8:43 AM, Ken M wrote:
> Perhaps we should get a members site list put out there in general. Kind of part of our user directory. Just my $0.02 that that might be a good thing in general. Be it blogs or what not.
> Ken
> On Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 08:40:06AM -0500, David Both wrote:
>> +1
>> My own web site, http://www.databook.bz, is a good example of
>> creating a blog or personal database of some sort as a memory aid
>> for one's self and making it available to others. Mine started
>> primarily because I had to research the same problems, fixes and
>> various bits of information several times over. In part due to the
>> holes in memory caused by just getting older, but also because I do
>> many of these things so infrequently that they don't get ingrained
>> into my brain or muscle memory.
>> I would suggest that if any of you other folks on this list have
>> similar blogs or memory aides, that you let us all know of their URL
>> so we can partake of your collective knowledge and wisdom.
>> On 01/05/2015 08:30 AM, Ken M wrote:
>>> Second this idea. And Alan's blog is a good example one. Having browsed it myself there is some cool stuff in there.
>>> Another option is participating in wikis and forums to document bugs and workarounds. Last year I came full circle for the first time on this. As in I could not remember the steps for a fix I had done a couple months prior for something. So I went to google it and the top response that came back was my own forum post on the solution. So I actually ended up googling myself sort of.
>>> Ken
>>> On Sun, Jan 04, 2015 at 10:24:31PM -0500, Alan Porter wrote:
>>>>> Quality documentation is useful and people should be praised for wanting to contribute by producing more of it.
>>>> If fully volunteering for a project like TLDP is too much for you, it's
>>>> still worthwhile to share your experiences through blog posts.
>>>> I started writing tech stuff on my blog as a way to document tricks for
>>>> myself, so future-me could find reminders of the Linux-fu that past-me
>>>> had accomplished. But once that stuff is recorded in a public searchable
>>>> space, it can benefit a lot of downstream users.
>>>> So write on!
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