[TriLUG] Google Fiber
Wes Garrison
wes at xitechusa.com
Wed Jan 28 08:48:25 EST 2015
Where can we get a map of the planned build-out?
I have 3Mbps AT$T DSL, and that is my ONLY choice. AT$T just ran 5 miles
of fiber to a new cell tower and stopped a mile before our house.
I don't have to have it tomorrow, but I want to make sure I have it.
Without a map, we have no data.
Wesley S. Garrison
Network Engineer
Xitech Communications, Inc.
phone: (919) 260-0803
pager: (919) 869-1744
fax: (919) 932-5051
"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from email."
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 7:50 AM, Scott Chilcote <scottchilcote at ncrrbiz.com>
> On 01/28/2015 03:36 AM, David Both wrote:
> > +1
> >
> > More competition to bypass the municipal non-compete laws passed by
> > our fine legislature.
> >
> >
> And, don't forget, written and supplied to the legislature by Time Warner.
> http://ilsr.org/killing-competition-nc/
> Having been denied service repeatedly by both Time Warner and AT&T while
> they happily accepted my money, I am delighted to see both of them on
> the brink of losing a chunk of their aggressively secured profits. I
> don't have any preconceived notions about Google, but they are upping
> the game. That will definitely help.
> The only chunk of gristle in this encilada as far as I'm concerned is
> how long of a line I will have to stand in, in order to return TWC's
> equipment. If I had to guess, it's going to make the lines that Apple
> creates when they release a new iPhone to shame...
> ;-)
> Scott C.
> --
> Scott Chilcote
> scottchilcote at ncrrbiz.com
> Cary, NC USA
> --
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