Peter Neilson via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Mar 18 12:55:29 EDT 2015

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015 12:32:56 -0400, Grawburg via TriLUG  
<trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> What is the general consensus regarding embedding versus attaching of  
> PDF files in e-mails?
> (I personally hate embedded attachments.)
> Brian Grawburg

I dislike getting any e-mail that contains or displays more than I  
  - 13MB PDF of something I didn't want to see anyway. (Give me a choice? A  
blinkin' choice???)
  - Embedded picture that assumes my screen is 27 inches wide and 18 inches  
high, so all I see at first is a photo of someone's foot or ear. Sometimes  
the embedded photos are sideways, too. Came from a tablet, maybe?

Before I send anyone any photo at all, or any PDF, I try to make it  
contain nothing more than is needed. I really don't need to send enough  
pixels to make it look good if pasted onto the outside wall of the Museum  
of Modern Art. Really. (Why can't my relatives understand this?)

If the data item in question really has a neeed to be mega-huge, perhaps  
it should be on dropbox or somewhere.

It's particularly annoying if I have to wait for an embedded image to  
process when what I really want to do is something else. Anything else.  
The system receiving the e-mail Just Might Not Be the very latest  

I also don't like websites that try to autoplay videos or that have music.  
And while I do enjoy seeing videos of riders demonstrating their skills in  
horsemanship, I normally despise their choice of music to accompany said  
video. I try to remember to turn it off before it makes any noise.

All auto-played audio: I try to turn it off BEFORE it come on MEGA-LOUD  
and wakes up my wife. ("I do try to leave the earphones plugged in, Hon, I  
really do!")

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