[TriLUG] live ubuntu [ Was Re: booting an external disk with grub 0.97 ]

Brian McCullough via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Apr 22 10:46:32 EDT 2015

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 06:06:46AM -0700, Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list wrote:
> have ubuntu running live from a usb stick and have configured wifi (thank you).
> I couldn't find vi, but I did find gedit and wrote hello_world.py. However I
> can't find an xterm amongst the all the really useful desktop applications
> (like the highly prized "Amazon" app). Any idea how I can invoke an xterm?
> According to the "Ubuntu Software Center" I can remove python, so I assume
> it's installed. If it's installed, I presume I'm supposed to be able to run
> it. Is there a way to run it besides from an xterm?
> Thanks Joe


I would try searching for "term," rather than xterm.

I suspect that it is called Terminal.  Otherwise, you should be able to
install it ( apt-get install or aptitude install ), and, since you are
running from USB, it will be permanent.


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