[TriLUG] TriLUG Server Refresh

Jonathan Mainguy via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri May 1 12:58:18 EDT 2015

Pilot takes up about 150GB right now. So 1-2tb should be good

Not sure what access to the Datcenter is like for physically replacing, we
can prolly assume 1 week.

SC - Can yall comment on budget for disks?

At the moment we only plan on running Pilot, but of course want to add more
VM's as we have time to move services off, guestimate around 10?

Support - SC changes every year, and volunteers come and go, so we can
figure out who will support it for the near future, its hard to know who
will support it 12months out. That being said, we should choose something
we can train new volunteers up on easily.

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Craig Cook via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org>

> Before you jump into buying disks, how about some more questions?
> How much disk space is needed?
> When one hard drive fails, how long do you expect before someone can
> physically replace it? (The longer the delay, the more built in redundancy
> you should plan for).
> What budget is available to purchase disks?
> How many VM's do you plan to run and what do they do?
> Who is going to support the OS/Hypervisor? (What skills to they have?)
> After questions like these are answered you will get a better
> understanding of what I/O profile is needed.  ie. running a heavy duty I/O
> bound DB server may need SSD's.  Running a web server serving a few hundred
> people a day probably doesn't need SSD's.
> Craig
> --
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