[TriLUG] Meeting June 11: Open Source Your Phone!

John Vaughters via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Jun 15 14:39:05 EDT 2015

 About a year ago I brought up the Ubuntu Touch OS to see if anyone actually loaded it on anything to give it a test drive. I got very little response. 
I would be curious if anyone has actually tried since then?
I have not tried, becasue there is not really a good stable version for hardware I have, but at the same time I am not seeing a huge adoption. I still think the Ubuntu plan for convergence of mobile and desktop to be the best computing plan out there. I for one do not care much for the Android OS. It seems to me to be a comprimised linux distribution with many *nix standards nixed (pardon the pun). I think at the time they may have had to optmiize the OS for the limited processing power and space, but these problems become smaller by the day. 
Many have already called Ubuntu phone a flop. I seriously doubt that Canonical is as short sighted as many writers seem to be. I do think that wide spread recognition will be a difficult task, but as long as they can find a way to converge the Desktop andMobile devices as a nearly uinfied platform, I think they have a chance of a niche techie market. With the amount of work that has already been done, I do not see that they are backing down and I doubt they are worried about initial releases being home runs. Being an early adopter of Android Motorola Xoom tablet, Andriod had tons of intial issues, which they worked out. I still have my Xoom and it works great. I have played with apps and I just found that I do not want to spend my time relearning a new platform like Android. I am holding out to see if Ubuntu can pull off a decent tablet, then I am a buyer based on the convergence idea and I think a decent niche of techies would also be buyers.
I am curious what others think.
Thanks Randy for driving the topic
John Vaughters


I have uploaded my slides to Pilot:


Thanks for the opportunity to speak!


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