[TriLUG] DNS question: CNAMEs at second level

Jonathan Mainguy via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Aug 19 16:43:10 EDT 2015

point domain at server with haproxy installed. Have haproxy forward all
hits to your dynip domain. profit

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Brian via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've recently learned that CNAMEs at second-level are forbidden (e.g.
> undecidedgames.net can't [read: shouldn't] be a CNAME).  Unfortunately,
> that is my domain and that's exactly what it is, a CNAME to my dynip
> domain.  Back when I first bought it from 1and1, they allowed second-level
> domains to be configured as CNAMEs.
> Well, it still works, but now I know it's a violation of standards, so I
> want to make it right.  Thing is, having it act like a CNAME is still
> exactly what I need.
> Is there a right way to have a second-level domain act like a CNAME?  My
> IP isn't horribly dynamic, but it isn't static and does change every few
> months or so.  I know of no way to update 1and1 A records without using
> their web interface (so I can't just have an A record that my server
> automatically updates as it does for the dynip domain).
> Short of buying DNS service from somewhere that will allow such remote
> management (or shelling out for an honest-to-goodness static IP), what can
> I do?
> Thanks,
> -Brian
> --
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