[TriLUG] A sad comment on our culture

Sean Korb via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Oct 12 12:16:06 EDT 2015

Does it really "work" for the kernel if only by virtue that the kernel

Changing a culture takes time but it also takes effort.  Sarah made an
effort and that made people think about what they are doing, even if they
remain intransigent.  I hope more people continue that work.  You can see
that the culture has already changed over the last 20 years and it is
marginally better.  It could be better still and it's worth the effort.


On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Nikolas Everett via TriLUG <
trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Matt Whitlow via TriLUG <
> trilug at trilug.org
> > wrote:
> > the
> > kernel development is known to be a harsh, brutal, and unforgiving
> > community but it lowers the chance of bad code getting into the community
> > when you aren't afraid to question someone's code.
> It *does* work but its not the only thing that works. I've worked in
> environments that don't put up with brutal comments but still maintain
> quality and that worked. You can totally question people's code and be nice
> about it.
> But, again, it works for the kernel. I'd never contribute to the kernel
> anyway because I'm not a good C developer but I'd doubly never contribute
> because I don't need the extra stress. They can alienate who they like so
> long as the project is still healthy. More people for the healthy
> communities then.
> --
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Sean Korb spkorb at spkorb.org http://www.spkorb.org
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