[TriLUG] Consumer grade (read: cheap) VPN appliance that works with AWS VPN?

Phillip Rhodes via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Oct 21 16:35:04 EDT 2015

Hey gang, I'm looking for a cheap / home / consumer grade VPN appliance
that is known to work with the AWS VPN service.  Do any of you know of
such a device you can recommend?  I don't care if it's on Amazon's
"officially supported" list or not, but if somebody can testify "I used one
of these
and it worked" that's probably good enough for me.

And FWIW, I'm not really looking to deploy OpenSWAN/FreeSWAN or whatever
from scratch.  At least not right now. I'm really hoping for a relatively
cheap hardware
appliance that will "Just Work".

All help/recommendations are greatly appreciated!

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