[TriLUG] Question Re. Linux Video Editing

Scott Chilcote via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Nov 9 17:16:13 EST 2015

Thanks for all of the great recommendations everyone.
As is often the case when asking on trilug, it's not about whether
there's a Linux solution.  It's more like narrowing down the field.
It looks like if I have any trouble getting this to work, it'll be my fault.

    Scott C.

On 11/09/2015 11:20 AM, Jeremy Davis wrote:
> Here is the tutorial for setting up Blender simply as a video editor.
> https://youtu.be/te9HFQVaSUE
> Jeremy Davis
> On Nov 9, 2015 10:58 AM, "Jeremy Davis" <jeremyhwllc at gmail.com
> <mailto:jeremyhwllc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Here is a video that demonstrates how you can use Blender
>     synchronized with Ardour via Jack. This is an incredibly powerful
>     solution but there is a learning curve.
>     https://youtu.be/9DsQznpFdBs
>     Blender is primarily for 3d rendering, however, there is a youtube
>     tutorial that shows how to set up your Blender workflow simply for
>     video editing, which resembles Final Cut and one other mainstream
>     video editor.
>     Jeremy
>     On Nov 9, 2015 9:37 AM, "Scott Chilcote via TriLUG"
>     <trilug at trilug.org <mailto:trilug at trilug.org>> wrote:
>         Hi LUGgers,
>         I'm looking for a way to take a video recorded with my phone
>         and replace
>         its audio tracks.  It needs to be synchronized, so I need to
>         be able to
>         visually cue the replacement tracks before committing them.
>         Does anyone know of a Linux software product that does this?
>         I'm using Audacity to create the new audio, FWIW.
>         Thanks for any pointers,
>            Scott C.
>         --
>         Scott Chilcote
>         scottchilcote at ncrrbiz.com <mailto:scottchilcote at ncrrbiz.com>
>         Cary, NC USA
>         --
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Scott Chilcote
scottchilcote at ncrrbiz.com
Cary, NC USA

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