[TriLUG] FOSS Fair?
Erik Nelson via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Thu Feb 25 13:15:04 EST 2016
Not sure how much time I can commit too, but I'll throw my hat in the ring
and volunteer to help however I can.
- Erik
On 02/25/2016 12:23 PM, Jeremy Davis via TriLUG wrote:
> If the FOSS Fair does not work out I possibly could help organize a
> Barcamp. I would need some motivated helpers though. I have a lot on my
> personal agenda this year.
> I was the 2013 BarcamRDU organizer (with a lot of help from the 2013 TriLUG
> Steering Committee)
> FOSS Fair was based on the Barcamp unconference.
> Jeremy
> On Thursday, February 25, 2016, Brian Cottingham via TriLUG <
> trilug at trilug.org> wrote:
>> The folks who previously organized FOSSFair have moved on, and the project
>> needs new leadership. A couple IRC users in #ncsulug expressed interest in
>> helping (charlesrwest, jcline), but I don't know whether they've taken any
>> steps.
>> I'm sure plenty of folks would like to see it happen again, if anyone's
>> interested in taking it on.
>> On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 2:54 AM, Danny via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org
>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>> I'm curious if anyone knows what's up with the NCSU FOSS Fair. I've
>> fallen
>>> out of the loop and can't seem to find current information on it
>>> (strangely, the official wiki seems to end with the 2014 event). Has it
>>> already happened this year? If not, are there plans for it later this
>> year?
>>> If not, why not?
>>> Dan
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