[TriLUG] backups- duplicity

mr-trilug via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Nov 11 16:24:05 EST 2016

 From Ubuntu 16.04 I've been making backups of /home.

  * each morning at reboot or start from suspend.
  * adding 1 or more new ...sigtar.gz and/or ...difftar.gz files
  * the home/.../deja-dup folder keeps growing (87G now).
  * I have not tried a restore in case it fails and destroys a
    functioning /home.

     "Locate duplicity" produces yads of responses. I need a filter for it.

I would like to:

  * move the entire deja-dup folder to an external drive before it gets
    still larger --- to create space for a new start on backing up.
  * set up a cron file that restarts the backup from zero at least one
    time per month

But I cannot find an existing cron file, although I think there must 
been one causing the daily activity.

Does someone have cli's to move me in the right direction?


Michael Rulison
    919 205 9168 (mobile phone)
    919 782 9576 (land line -- deprecated.)
    3256 LEWIS FARM RD, RALEIGH  NC 27607-6723

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