[TriLUG] Off-Topic are WIFI routers just getting worse

Ken M via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Mar 22 21:09:46 EDT 2017

So I recently bought another wifi router. Because of some changes to the
setup here I needed a WIFI repeater as well.  They are both belkin, the
repeater as well as the router itself.  I didn't buy the bargain
basement model.  It is an ac1200 I think, sorry not in front of me.

Anyway it just stinks, always an issue.  I had a linksys before that,
and although it sucked it was better.  Before that I had a crappy d-link
and it was better than all of them.

Sorry to be "rant-ish" but it just seems no matter what I spend the next
wifi router is always worse than the one it replaced.  Is it just me?


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