[TriLUG] Steering Committee Nominations

Brian Gerard via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Mar 31 15:32:00 EDT 2017

Hi everybody!

Well, it's getting toward that time of year again... time to take advantage of
your chance to vote those bums out!  I am speaking, of course, of the Steering
Committee elections coming up in May.  :)

Articles III and IV of the Bylaws and Policies (http://trilug.org/policies)
outline basically what the Steering Committee is, but essentially we are
responsible for keeping the group going.  We arrange speakers and sponsors,
handle all the various and sundry bits of logistics around the meetings, and
otherwise act on the group's behalf.

It is fun, and it's not too onerous a burden (for the most part ;).

So this email is the official call for nominations.  You may self-nominate, or
nominate someone else you feel would be a good fit to help manage our group.

Note that when you nominate someone, it is just for a generic Steering Committee
position, not for any one slot in particular.  The new Steering Committee will
meet in the week or two following the election to figure out who will be serving
in which position.

The elections proper will be held at the beginning of our May meeting, and the
results will be announced at the end of it.

So let the nominations fly!  You may simply reply to this email (to the general
list, not announce) with a brief snippet about the person you are nominating,
and why you think they would be a good addition to the Steering Committee.

See you all in a couple of weeks-
Brian Gerard
Chair, TriLUG

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