[TriLUG] Freelance Linux Admins

John Vaughters via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue May 16 20:10:06 EDT 2017

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ken, That is hilarious. I mean the part about people in Gov. thinking they should not put sensitive stuff in emails. As we all know from the recent past how careless they really are. They are not just careless with their data, but the data they have on us as well.
My most recent "reply to all" was just turning in miles walked to get $75, which was the max and took alot of effort, but that did not stop a barrage of emails razzing me about it and asking me to tell the truth and what not. I was able to recall the vast majority, but obviously not the most important ones like the IT folks that are bird doggin all emails like myself. So, I got my time in the barrel, so to speak. 
All in good fun.
John Vaughters
On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 7:26:40 PM EDT, Ken M via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:If there is anything my time in government has taught me is never ever
EVER put anything in an email you would not want someone other than your
planned or intended recipient reading in the future.

Now if only our elected officials would figure this very basic and
common sense rule out.


On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 06:37:05PM -0400, Derek Linz via TriLUG wrote:
> Who hasn't accidentally hit 'reply all' and sent advice on dealing with a difficult boss to a co-worker...and your boss...and the entire company.
> Ok that one may have been just me.
> -Derek Linz, who handled that situation by closing his laptop and taking a very long walk after the president discretely let him know his mistake.
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