[TriLUG] Google Fiber experiences?

Reginald Reed via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Sun May 21 16:14:51 EDT 2017

I've been on Google Fiber in Morrisville since mid November.  Speed is
great and it's cool that I've got Gigabit Internet, but nothing I do really
truly needs that much speed.  I was on 300/20 with TWC before the switch
and other than the 20Mbps upstream being a bottleneck when pushing large
binaries up to another site, it was more than enough.

There have been a few hiccups, but I think it was mostly attributable to
the newness of the service.  We have TV (because my wife wanted it, I could
care less) and it's "OK" from a feature/functionality standpoint.  The TV
boxes are basically set top boxes and the storage for the DVR is in the
Network Box.  Everything related to the full End-to-End TV service is
proprietary, so no CableCard, etc.  I'm not sure what the maximum number of
TV Boxes is, but we've got 3.

I have a non-standard setup for Internet in that I'm not using the Network
Box for it, I have a pfSense router that is parallel to the Fiber Jack
along with the Network Box.  At some point, I may fiddle with putting the
Network Box behind my router, but it's more complex and what I have right
now works very well.

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll try my best to

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 1:28 PM, Jeff T. Riffer via TriLUG <
trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> We're still waiting not-so-patiently for Google Fiber to reach our
> neighborhood in North Raleigh. Cancelled TWC a while back because almost
> everything we watch is on streaming and honestly tired of dealing with them
> (except for the RR service).
> For those who *have* gotten it in the Triangle area, what are your
> experiences with it in terms of installation and performance? I'm
> interested not just in the Internet service but the TV service, such as
> what type of DVR they provide, if I could hook-up a TiVo to it, etc...
> Thanks!
>  ####################==============---- ----==============############
> ########
> #               riffer at vaxer.net - Jeff T. Riffer, Millionaire
>     #
> # Disclaimer: I am not a number, I am a free man, and my thoughts are my
> own. #
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