[TriLUG] buy windows - ugh!

Pete Soper via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Aug 7 15:51:36 EDT 2017

>> I think if I were to buy from them, I'd use a disposable prepaid debit card
>> with a low balance!
>        I miss when credit card companies had an option to create one
> time numbers for online purchases.
Citibank still offers virtual credit card numbers, but it's gotten 
harder and harder to use them. We haven't been able to run the native 
app on my wife's laptop for years and the online version depends on 
flash that is of course a real problem these days. But when they work 
virtual (single use) credit cards are very nice for peace of mind with 
online transactions. I just double checked my shiny new Citi mobile app 
and there is no support for virtual card numbers in that. This would 
seem to make it clear they don't really want to offer this any more either.


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