[TriLUG] Come work with me, it'll be fun.

Aaron Joyner via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue May 22 16:09:46 EDT 2018

Just a quick informal post to say that my group at Google is hiring.
An ideal candidate would be a competent software engineer who knows
their way around a Linux system.  The more you know of both domains,
the better.  :)  If you like automating yourself out of a job (over
and over), troubleshooting some of the most complex distributed
systems in the world, and doing the impossible 3 times before lunch,
this might be your cup of tea.

More precisely, we're looking for a Site Reliability Engineer[1] to
join us at the Lenoir, NC data center.  We're an unusually stable team
within SRE; the average tenure of our 8-person team is north of 10
years.  We have mentored a lot of young engineers who have moved to
other teams, in various places like Mountain View, CA; Los Angles, CA;
and even Zurich, Switzerland.  So, just because you don't (yet) have a
grey beard[2] doesn't mean you won't fit in, and you don't have to
want to live in western NC indefinitely (although I find it very

Our team currently supports TrueTime[3] and a few other systems[4]
which manage the Linux software on all of the machines in Google's
production fleet.  It's low-level infrastructure work at a nearly
unimaginable scale.  In our spare time we work on driving forward the
best practices for all of SRE.

The job posting isn't live yet, but it'll eventually show up at
http://careers.google.com, and probably look something like this
one[5].  If you're interested, send me a resume (or just an email) and
I'll be glad to refer you.  If you have questions, please don't
hesitate to email me and ask.

Aaron S. Joyner

1 - https://landing.google.com/sre/
2 - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lenards/3739917/raw/cbedad0874c5f66291696277544890ab5c56c2f1/greybeard
3 - https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs/true-time-external-consistency
4 - ... I have to wait to tell you about them after you're hired.  ;-)
5 - https://careers.google.com/jobs#!t=jo&jid=/google/software-engineer-site-reliability-google-building-41-1600-amphitheatre-2500016&

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