[TriLUG] Android OS replacement

Brian McCullough via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Dec 3 12:33:08 EST 2018

Just one "last" quick note on my adventures.

I want to thank Tim, publicly, and welcome him to "The Group."

Saturday afternoon I went over to his home and he led me through the
apprpriate web sites and procedures, and barring any late-discovered
missing data, everything went swimmingly.

We installed TWRP and LineageOS, and after we persuaded TWRP to actually
let us in to the phone ( after the upgrade ) things are SO much better.

My battery life seems to be years longer.  Previously, I could count on
a couple of hours without battery backup.  Now, it has run since
Saturday night without charging, and still claims to have about 50%

See you all on the 13th!


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