[TriLUG] Ideas for Replacing Home Office Workhorse Computer?
Sean Korb via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Tue Dec 18 16:56:38 EST 2018
For quiet and cool a modern server will do everything you need. I'm a
cheapskate so I picked up a used HP Z620 with dual 2Ghz 6 core
sockets. It runs a lot of VM workload without trouble but it... it's
warm. Qiuet and warm. RAM is expensive still but you can get a
package under $1200 and maybe even $500 if you get the right deal.
They are being unloaded from leases the last 2 years or so. I saw a
z620 with 64GB on Creaigslist for $1500, it's a lot of power. These
don't come with onboard video so look for one with a card or put a
spare in the pci slot.
The z820 supports more RAM but the z420 is a different box. The z420
might be low power with a single 8 core socket.
That old mac is a work of art, maybe you can run a cluster of 80 RPi
Zeroes inside it?
I also have a Liva 4GB Atom that runs on a heat sink and it runs very
low power and it runs all my TV and day to day browsing. I haven't
tried virtualization but it's interesting to see these make their way
onto the market and they are super cheap. My Liva was less than $250
in 2015 so the RAM and capabilities and price may have increased...
just not to the level of your vintage Mac.
On 12/17/18, Scott Chilcote via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:
> Hello all,
> My home office computer is getting long in the tooth. It's an
> all-aluminum mac pro from 2007, has eight 2.8 GHz cores, and has been
> upgraded over the years to 24 GB of memory and SSD drives.
> I use this box to run vmware guests with vmware fusion, and with as many
> as four running at the same time. It has been great for this purpose,
> being wonderfully quiet and with scant evidence of bogging down.
> About the only thing that I'd knock is that it puts out significant
> heat. Since my office is on the south side of our house, I needed a
> room AC to reduce operating the whole-house unit from May through September.
> Apple Corp decided that I'd owned this computer long enough in 2015,
> when they discontinued it from subsequent releases of MacOS. VmWare
> soon followed suit, as their updates and releases no longer support the
> terminal version of the OS.
> The machine still worked fine until a couple of months ago, when it
> decided to start having random spontaneous reboots. There haven't been
> that many yet, fewer than ten, but the writing's on the wall. Guest
> OSes are not happy with having their power slammed repeatedly, and in
> particular those made by Microsoft.
> I've been doing a lot of thinking about what to replace this box with.
> I'm not in love with Apple by any means. Their most recent incarnation
> of the Mac Pro is kind of old, and seems more appropriate for an art
> museum than a home office (as the meme says, change my mind! ;-)
> The machine I would like to get will be powerful and quiet, and not pour
> out a lot of heat when idling. Some gaming-specific hardware comes
> close, but I don't have much use for the high end graphics or blue LEDs.
> I'm wondering if I need to buy a new vmware license to switch to another
> host operating system (for example, Linux). I managed to get one of
> these guests to run on virtualbox once, on my ubuntu laptop. It was not
> particularly reliable, and I had to reinstall it after it hung once or
> twice. That was years ago, however. It would be good to know if
> there's a virtual host for Linux that runs vmware guests reliably.
> If any LUGgers have experience with hardware and host OS setups that fit
> these objectives, please pass the word.
> Many thanks!
> Scott C.
> --
> Scott Chilcote
> scottchilcote at ncrrbiz.com
> Cary, NC USA
> --
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Sean Korb spkorb at spkorb.org http://www.spkorb.org
'65 Suprang,'68 Cougar,'78 R100/7,'60 Metro,'59 A35,'71 Pantera #1382
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