[TriLUG] [OT] -- Rental House hunt

Brian McCullough via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Feb 18 11:33:19 EST 2019

I should have come here first ( or at least earlier ), but I am needing
to move from Apex.

I have certain requirements, which do restrict the choices quite a bit,
but I have hope!

At the moment, I am looking for at least 3 bedrooms, more than 1
bathroom, 1500 sq. ft or better, for a top limit of $1000 per month.

If it was two bedrooms with some kind of office space, that would suit,

Anything equivalent in Apex is $1500 per month or more, so I am going to
have to move out of Apex, but that's all right.

I looked in Wilson, and found some possibilities, and also in
Oxford-Henderson, but those are both LONG hikes from Raleigh.

A garage or some kind of fairly big storage shed might be able to reduce
the house's size requirement.

I am trying to be as flexible as possible, but the existing place has 3
bedrooms, 1.5 baths ( 1 working ), and an attached, enclosed, carport,
and is FULL, so the size is a problem.  I am trying to discard things,
have put something over a ton of paper into recycling over the past
year, but it hasn't seemed to make a significant dent.

I know, Too Much Information!

In any case, this message boils down to: If you know of anything that is
at all possible, or if you see a sign on the road, PLEASE let me know.

Thank you,

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