[TriLUG] Refurb Lenovo Laptops (GradeA)

Pete Soper via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Aug 9 15:44:02 EDT 2019

On 8/9/19 3:00 PM, Richard Anderson via TriLUG wrote:

> Has anyone purchased a grade A refurbished Lenovo laptop from a local
> vendor? If so, where? I am interested in purchasing one that has an i5
> processor, backlight keyboard, in a 14 inch form factor.
> Richard

I've bought a number of laptops from Triangle Ecycling, (maybe a half 
dozen Lenovo and one HP) for myself and others over the past few years 
and have been 100% satisfied. And I'm sitting in front of two 20 inch 
Dell and one 24 inch HP monitor from there that I use with my Linux 
desktop. The three displays put together were just ridiculously 
inexpensive  and have not skipped a beat since I put this system 
together a year ago. I got my choice of a very clean (bloat free) 
install of Windows 7 or 10 for each laptop and could of course layer 
Linux on top by modifying the partitions, etc. They sell desktop 
computers too, plus network switches and other accessories. (Need a X 
volt Y amp laptop adaptor? The last time I was there I saw a box of them 
multiple feet deep!)

And this is a 501C3 nonprofit. From their web site:

   "The primary mission of Triangle Ecycling is supporting STEM 
education with hands-on tech training for high school students. We are a 
triple bottom line business engaged in collecting, refurbishing and 
recycling end-of-life computers and other electronics. We repurpose 
computers for *good*."

I can vouch for the effectiveness of their program for enabling HS 
students to get a jet-propelled launch into life working and furthering 
their education. I employed one of their "graduates" between his first 
two semesters at university and he was very hard working and 
conscientious, skilled with Linux and a shaman with Windows.


Finally, many of their laptops appear to be from local businesses where 
employees are being upgraded  sooner than they need to relative to the 
actual wear and tear, so many of the laptops are in excellent condition 
before the systematic secure hard drive erasure/refurb/testing process 
starts. The guaranteed secure erasure is a free service for equipment 
folks turn in for recycling by them.


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