[TriLUG] Dealing with bit flips from cosmic rays

Charles West via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Sun May 30 13:37:33 EDT 2021


TL:DR:  Are there software ways to harden a Raspberry Pi Zero against bit

I've been looking into space craft design and found some interesting things
related to computing for space missions.  The common way to do computation
is to have special hardened hardware that can handle a lot more radiation.
These things can mass kilograms and run at ~200 mHz while costing $200,000+.

This has been fine as long as launch costs are really high, but are likely
to be a bigger part of the cost as launches get cheaper (looking at you,
Starship).  This has me wondering if you could shrink the Pi zero form
factor as much as possible (though it's already pretty small) and spend the
mass on thick/cheap rad shielding.  This would eliminate most of the low
energy radiation.

However, cosmic radiation is really hard to stop.  You will sometimes get
bit flips and more serious failures.  If I may ask, do you have any ideas
on how you could harden the system against software errors?  Could you
store/retrieve from RAM with forward error correction?  Maybe scan and
correct flash storage with forward error correction and then reboot

What do you think?


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