[TriLUG] Windows Dropping Mapped Samba Share

James Toebes via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon May 22 13:45:06 EDT 2023

Is it possible that the share is being dropped from the server side? You 
mention samba share.  Check server settings. I often have network maps 
drop due to timeout from the server.  No client change can fix that 
without having something that constantly access the share. i.e. 
scheduled job doing a listing of the share.

On 2023-05-22 17:39, Brian via TriLUG wrote:

> On 5/22/23 10:52, Brian via TriLUG wrote: On 5/21/23 10:47, Bill Weinel 
> via TriLUG wrote:
> Second, Windows has a default time out period in the LanmanServer

Changing this to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1, which should mean infinite) had no 

>> You can always try making the share is 'persistent' from the command 
>> line:
>> net use z: \\share\volume_name /persistent:Yes

This also had no effect.


Another suggestion was adding the server to the domain, which I haven't 
tried yet...I was hoping to avoid that additional complexity.  I guess 
that'll be the next stop on this tour.


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