[TriLUG] Broad question
William Sutton via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Wed Sep 6 19:03:23 EDT 2023
On Mon, 4 Sep 2023, Steve Litt via TriLUG wrote:
> William Sutton via TriLUG said on Mon, 4 Sep 2023 13:29:52 -0400 (EDT)
>> One more negative about Python: the use of indentation to determine
>> scope. That's just a horrible idea.
> 1) With indentation based scope, you never again need to count curly
> braces.
I don't have to because
1. I'm careful
2. when I'm not, Perl tells me something's wrong
3. I can bounce between braces in vim using % :-)
> 2) You never again have your indentation depart from what's really
> happening.
On the other hand, if I (sanely) freeform indent, it /can/ be more
readable. I tend to use perltidy with -b -gnu in my .perltidyrc file.
> 3) No more brace placement feuds. GNU! No, Whitesmith! Oh HELL no, K&R!
> No way, Ratliff! Ratliff's ridiculous, use Pico! Oh never mind,
> we'll just each do it our own way.
True ... or you just set up a linter or something with agreed upon (or
dictated) standards, and fail code that doesn't meet those. Or in my
case, use perltidy.
> 4) With indentation based scope, you know exactly what's going on at a
> glance.
mmmm ... or with braces, I can use freeform indentation and better see
what's going on. Not to argue with you that there are a lot of coders who
use crummy formatting. There are. And they need a cluebat or other
suitable LART to reform them.
> 5) With indentation based scope, the interpreter checks your
> indentation against your code, lessening the chance of you doing
> something you didn't intend to do.
> Obviously, the one downside is that everyone in the organization must
> agree on tabs vs spaces and stick to their choice religiously.
Another reason to use a linter or something like.
All in friendly discussion, of course.
> SteveT
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