[TriLUG] Waxing Nastolgic.

Jason Evans via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon May 13 13:16:28 EDT 2024

> ----------------------------------------
> From: James T via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org>
> Date: May 3, 2024, 9:06:41 PM
> To: <trilug at trilug.org>
> Subject: [TriLUG] Waxing Nastolgic.
> Maybe due to getting into weekend mode,  I'm reflecting on things.
> Just realized with my recent upgrade to Fedora 40,  how many releases that has been.  I started my desktop use of linux while it was still RedHat. NOT RHEL , RedHat 7.X Box set.   That was before my youngest was born. Now she is graduating college.   Been with Fedora ever since Version 1. It's amazing how much it has improved in that time.   
> How many others have a long desktop history with Linux?  And your distro of choice?
> -- 
> This message was sent to: Jason Evans <jsevans at opensuse.org>
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I have been using desktop Linux since 2000 when I bought a copy of Mandrake 7.5 at a free trade show that they used to have at the NC State fairground. I then upgraded to Mandrake 8 and 9 and then struggled for some time getting Debian to load X on my funky old PCI graphics card which I finally got working at a TriLUG installfest in ~2002. That's when I switched in earnest.

I moved away from the Triangle in 2015 and hadn't been to a meeting in years even before I moved. I think the last one I attended was at the old Redhat HQ when Red Hat announced SELinux.  I wish I wasn't so introverted (and socially awkward) and attended more meetings and made more contacts back then. I always enjoyed the meetings when I attended.

Currently I run openSUSE Tumblweed and Garuda (an Arch-based distro). I also experiment with basically every new distro that I see that looks interesting.


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