[TriLUG] Trilug -- Current Status
Alan Porter via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Mon May 13 16:56:40 EDT 2024
Hi Bill,
I will take ownership of the steering@ email address being closed to
non-member submissions. That was me.
A little background. I set up pilot from scratch back in February of
2009 after someone hacked the old Mandrake-based server.
The story - https://alanporter.com/blog/2009-03-01/pwn3d
Since then, we have not had a whole lot of volunteer interest in
maintaining our "cluster of one". Occasionally we'll get a wave of
enthusiasm around upgrading or migrating or splitting our single server.
But we never made it over that hump. For this reason, pilot is still
running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Then, since COVID, we moved meetings to be virtual only. Attendance
has been pretty low. And so we lost our cadence of having a planned
meeting topic each month. And donations. And outreach. And new
Likewise, the main mailing list traffic fell to only 272 messages for
all of 2023 (that's 23 messages per month).
Either we were not meeting the community's needs, or the need itself
was dwindling.
At the same time, the steering committee and perpetual lurkers would
receive a dozen or so spam messages every day on the SC mailing list.
And then this spring, the number went to the hundreds per day. Also,
some mail services started refusing connections from pilot. We
definitely had an active email problem. Thanks to one member who
volunteered to investigate what might be the root cause. We're all
I can count on my fingers the number of general LUG request emails I
have received on my trilug.org address. But I have 9449 spam emails
addressed to the SC. So a few weeks ago, I made the decision to block
email from/to sys at trilug.org and to close the SC mailing list to only
members and the allow-list.
I am sorry that your question fell on deaf ears, and that our web site
did not contain current contact information. I am also sorry to see the
interest in the LUG wane. But I am not going to try to force it back
into being popular.
If the LUG wants these things updated, we need some volunteers to do
Alan Porter
SC member 2008-2013
TriLUG registered agent
trilug.org domain contact
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