[TriLUG] How to do taxes on Linux?

Brian via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Aug 26 10:50:51 EDT 2024

On 8/26/24 08:35, Esther L via TriLUG wrote:
> Is there a Linux solution for doing U.S. tax preparation?
> I need to decide later this year whether to get a Windows 11 license, or
> pay whatever updates contract fee for Windows 10.

Maybe turbotax runs under Wine?  If you're already buying that (or a 
competing product) every year, you might try loading up a prior year's 
version with Wine to see whether it works.  I've been using Intuit's 
online service for many years, so I have no direct experience with the 
offline versions or knowledge of their requirements to run properly, but 
it sounds like something worth trying.


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