[TriLUG] Name that part
Scott Blaydes via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Sat Oct 5 13:52:14 EDT 2024
I still love that case though. Nice and understated look of power.
Been awhile since I have had one in my hands, but it would take more work than am willing to do to match a modern motherboard.
Thank you,
Scott Blaydes
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 5, 2024, at 12:16 PM, Jack Hill via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2024, Stephen Bryant wrote:
>> Hi Jack,
>> That looks like the "Apple I/O Card" from slot 8. Unfortunately, as best I've been able to determine, it's Apple proprietary and isn't usable with anything else. As far as I'm aware there
>> isn't even a public spec for the extra pins. It's only usable in that particular slot, as well.
> Aw shucks. Thanks!
> In that case, it's free to anyone who wants it (although, I bet everyone who has a use for one already has one.
> Now to find a long enough torx driver to remove the CPU heatsink.
> Best,
> Jack
> --
> This message was sent to: Scott Blaydes <scott at nettek.io>
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