[TriLUG] Automation from an Existing Server/VM
William Sutton via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Thu Nov 28 15:12:39 EST 2024
Riffing off of this ... I recommend standing up a bare VM, then see what
a dry run of rsync from the live machine to the bare VM suggests, and
using that as a starting point for your puppet/ansible/whatever template.
(e.g., what packages and config files need to be installed on the bare VM
to match the existing machine). Then do a deep dive on the config files.
vimdiff can be your friend for that.
William Sutton
On Wed, 27 Nov 2024, Lance A. Brown via TriLUG wrote:
> Expanding on Jos' ideas a bit more.
> If you can create a VM from the same operating system as a base image, you
> could find all the
> differences in the "interesting" locations on the filesystem: /etc, /opt,
> /usr/local, etc. Match
> that up with a comparison of installed packages between the base and your
> active VMs and you'd have
> a starting point for building out playbooks in your preferred configuration
> management system.
> I've done this sort of thing before, bringing existing systems into a
> configuration management
> system. At a previous job I automated deployment and management of a fleet
> of linux desktops using
> bcfg2 by building up a configuration that matched the existing configs.
> Later, I migrated to
> puppet, transcribing all the config, and then again to ansible, again
> transcribing the
> configurations. (Yes, I'm a masochist. I was deeply involved in the
> configuration management
> conversations and work that came out of the LISA conferences).
> I expect the effort to create a playbook generator is equal to or greater
> than creating the
> playbooks yourself. Then, when you have the playbook for one OS, its much
> easier to add support for
> additional OSes.
> --[Lance]
> Jos Purvis via TriLUG wrote on 11/27/2024 12:30 AM:
>> As others noted, these tools aren't really designed to do that, so you're
> liable to have to write a lot of glue code and bend a few tools to make that
> work.
>> If the server is a VM and you can run scripts against the hypervisor
> instead of the VM itself, there are some Ansible modules like
> vmware_guest_instant_clone that will let you create a copy of a virtual
> machine by telling the hypervisor to just clone the raw VM image. And I
> suppose if the server is bare metal, you could use one of the various
> bare-metal-to-VM tools out there to slurp it into a VM, and then use said
> Ansible modules to clone the newly-slurped VM into a new one (so you could
> keep the original copy off to the side without modification). The word "IF"
> is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting in that paragraph, however. :)
>> ### WARNING: Random Midnight-Hour Ramblings Follow ###
>> If you have to operate at the OS layer, I suppose it's technically feasible
> to do something like this, but not terrifically efficient unless you have
> large numbers of identical or near-identical servers that need cloning[0].
> Tools like Ansible or Puppet are really designed to take a server "blueprint"
> and apply it to a host, which means you have to define the blueprint yourself
> — they're not really designed to do the "extraction" piece of the equation,
> so you'd wind up writing a great deal of glue code to do that piece.
>> It -would- be an interesting coding project, however, to write up some
> scripts that would do things like "dump list of packages on source server,
> use as list to apply to new server" or "collect custom config files from
> /etc/nginx/conf.d, copy to storage bucket, replicate to new server". I could
> even imagine turning that into a tool at some point that would at least
> handle standard applications with standard data locations. Definitely going
> to involve some coding from scratch, however, which it sounds like maybe you
> were looking to avoid.
>> If I absolutely had to approach this, I think I'd ditch the automation
> tools and do it the old-fashioned way:
>> - Pull the list of packages from the source host into a file: most
> package managers will let you source a list of things to install from a flat
> file, so you could hand that list to dnf/apt/zypper and that gets you going.
>> - Make a list of the data/config directories and files you want to
> preserve, tar them up, move them to the new box, and extract. This may not be
> terribly complex depending on what the source server is running: if it's
> running a handful of bog-ordinary services like NGINX, Postgres, or
> Wordpress, you'll at least know where the default locations for their custom
> bits are to pull from. There'll be some cleanup, especially if the new box is
> a slightly different OS rev than the source[1], but that'll get you fairly
> close.
>> - From there, I'd finish by rendering the source server's disk into
> something delve-able, like a disk image or a restic snapshot. That way, when
> you realize you missed a file, you can just snag it from the image rather
> than having to flip on the original server to go grab it.
>> ### END Ramblings ###
>> Probably -WAY- more detail than anyone wanted, but I was sort of intrigued
> by the idea of building something to do it.
>> -- Jos
>> ---
>> [0] In which case...they're already...clones?
>> [1] Barring "500-mile Email"-type config mismatches[2]
>> [2] https://www.ibiblio.org/harris/500milemail.html (q.v.)
>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2024, at 18:13, Alan Sterger via TriLUG wrote:
>>> Hi Listers,
>>> Looking into Linux Automation with Ansible, Chef, Puppet or ... Want to
>>> extract a playbook from an existing server/VM to build another with
>>> minimal edits.
>>> Operation on RHEL or OEL a must; Debian or Ubuntu a plus.
>>> Most docs I've reviewed want to start creating the playbook from scratch
>>> instead of using an already built server/VM as a template.
>>> Any help in creating a playbook from an existing server/VM will be much
>>> appreciated.
>>> -- Alan
>>> --
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