[TriLUG] any recommendations for a linux surveillance camera?

Stephen Bryant via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Thu Nov 28 19:07:53 EST 2024

Hi Joe!

I have a pretty extensive video surveillance setup, and I've used a lot of
different cameras over the years. The ones I'd recommend are Amcrest. They
have a ton of different models available, and while I mostly use the PoE
cameras, they have wifi ones as well. They spit out an RTSP stream with no
hassle, and I've found them to be the most reliable and well-built of the
budget-friendly brands I've tried.

For managing my cameras and doing motion detection etc. I use Frigate:

It's an excellent application and interface, is easy to set up (just pull a
docker image), and has a better feature set than most of the commercial
NVRs out there. It uses ML models for image classification, and supports
hardware acceleration for the video and image processing. I have 12+ 4k
streams running mo-det and recording on a $300 ebay server that I stuck an
Edge TPU in.

As far as night vision, yeah, typically they will have IR illumination
producing a B&W image. Recently however some companies have begun offering
color night vision using camera modules with on-chip processing. They're
not perfect, but are pretty decent if having a color image is important to
you. The ones I've seen have mostly been branded as "Starlight" or "True
Color" sensors. I've got mo-det floodlights, so I haven't really tried them.

Hope this helps, and happy Thanksgiving!


On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 4:59 PM Joseph Mack NA3T via TriLUG <
trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> I'd like to setup initially 1 camera checking for porch pirates. From
> perusing the internet, it looks like I'll be using RTSP and Motion. I'd
> like it to work at night. I assume the LEDs on some cameras are IR and
> you're getting back B&W images at night. To save drilling the walls in my
> house, I'd prefer it connects by wifi.
> Thanks Joe
> --
> Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
> Don't upgrade a working machine - it won't work any
> better - it could work worse; it may not work at all.
> Homepage http://www.austintek.com/ It's GNU/Linux!
> --
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