[TriLUG] recommendations for on-line Linux VM

Joseph Mack NA3T via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Feb 12 10:26:27 EST 2025

On Wed, 12 Feb 2025, David Both wrote:

> I've been running my own email server for more than 25 years.

Hi David,

I have your book on setting up an e-mail server (and I've been around to 
your house to pick up some gear you were disposing - thanks). I've just 
never been prepared to tackle what I thought would be an unbounded 

> I've had a number of ISPs and never had a problem. I just told them what 
> I wanted.

that's reassuring.

> My current service is ATT Gb fiber which I've now had for about 4 or 5 
> years. The installer was a gamer familiar with Linux, and knew exactly 
> what I wanted.


> We talked about blocking and he said that all blocking is performed in 
> the local router. The admin ID and password (yes, truly random) are 
> printed on the label. He turned off SMTP and IMAP blocking so I could 
> access remotely. He showed me what he was doing at every step of the 
> way. He put the router in pass-through mode so no blocks in either 
> direction.


> Of course I have my own Linux router next in line which is where my real 
> protection is located.

of course

> Not all installers are that cool or knowledgeable, but just knowing that 
> SMTP blocking is in the local router is, um, liberating.



Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
Don't upgrade a working machine - it won't work any
better - it could work worse; it may not work at all.
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