[TriLUG] recommendations for on-line Linux VM

Joseph Mack NA3T via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue Feb 18 09:48:14 EST 2025

On Mon, 17 Feb 2025, John Franklin wrote:

> On Feb 12, 2025, at 6:51?AM, Joseph Mack NA3T via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:
>> Many years ago, Linode just offered VMs. That's what they did. Now 
>> their webpage is a blizzard of bullshit (yes I can find their VMs, but 
>> you have to search, indicating that VMs aren't really their business 
>> any more).

> And it takes no searching to find a humble VM ? the very first thing on 
> their list of products is ?Compute?, and the first compute offering 
> listed is the classic Linode, albeit renamed ?Shared CPU."

I couldn't tell if it was the same thing, or if it had been "improved"

> Yes, paravirtualization is when the VM knows it is a VM and talks to the 
> host hypervisor more efficiently.

thanks for the detailed explanation.

> Any serious VM offering is going to include paravirt, even if they don?t 
> advertise it, and the LInux kernel already supports paravirt out of the 
> box.

didn't know that. It seems that it would be hard to have a VM without it.

> If you?re running your own KVM server,


> it supports paravirt, and there are very few reasons to not use it.


Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
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