[TriLUG] OpenWRT

John Vaughters via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Thu Feb 20 14:04:26 EST 2025

+1 on OpenWRT

I used DD-WRT for many many years and used to create active firewalls where I could use ssh with a key to open a port to the ip that traffic came from currently.  Making for a very secure access when needed. These embedded versions come with a multitude of VPNs that I used to create distributed networks. Only recently my 15 year old router dies and I went to a TP-Link for a variety of reasons. And of course TP-Link is on the list of bad security routers. Why should I be surprised. Anyway, I miss the full on access to a linux system and all the flexibility it provided. One day I will go back to the embedded solution.

It was a good run of VERY low cost and secure routing solutions.

~John Vaughters

On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 01:50:04 PM EST, Bill Farrow via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote: 

Woot is selling Linksys AX3200 wifi6 refurbished routers this week for $20.

This router has good OpenWRT support.

This is also a great way to get into embedded Linux. The UART header is
easy to get to if you want console access.

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