[TriLUG] Phone calls

James Jones via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Thu Feb 20 16:37:26 EST 2025


***** Telephone SPAM is a scourge upon the developed world.

Thanks for the thoughts. The phone was originally a pots (copper) number
started in 1992, but for the past 10 years the number is now a vonage
system. The only reason for keeping the number is relatives, business
connections, and church connections. I haven't found anything on vonage
that would check a contact list as a pass through, so the use of Asterisk
as a block/pass device makes sense. I think I have enough Linksys phone
devices, I should be able to set up such a device.
We shall see.
Again - Thanks for the thoughts.
jc jones - KK4VUS

On Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 3:34 PM Brian via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> Telephone SPAM is a scourge upon the developed world.  Due to the need
> to support legacy systems from the days of POTS party lines, it's still
> trivially easy to war-dial from anywhere with an Internet connection and
> a SIP provider willing to look the other way.  Spoofing caller-id was
> possible from day 1.
> My advice?  Ditch the land-line unless you have really unreliable
> cellular coverage in your area.  Then set your cell phone to silence
> calls from numbers not in your contact list.  Those calls still go to VM
> if the scammer cares to leave a message, but my experience is that very
> few ever do.
> When I moved out of my parents' house for good back in...2005-ish?  I
> never got a land-line.  I've never once missed having one.
> I keep trying to convince my Boomer mom to ditch her land-line, and I
> think I've almost gotten through to her.  She's already stopped
> answering it as a matter of course due to the crazy amount of SPAM it
> gets (my dad fell for a couple scam callers a few years ago, so the
> floodgates opened...they never close).
> So, yeah.  Ditch the copper if it's at all feasible.
> /rant
> $0.02,
> -Brian
> <snip>
> >>> On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, James Jones via TriLUG wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Help needed. My home phone number has been tagged by a spoofer of
> sorts.
> >>>> About every five minutes, there is a call which has as its identifier
> a
> >>>> phone number with a town usually in North carolina. Each call will be
> a
> >>>> different number/town identifier.
> >>>>
> >>>> Any thoughts on how to stop this?
> --
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Jc Jones

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