[TriLUG] Linux From Scratch

Lee Fickenscher via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Feb 28 09:58:49 EST 2025

I built a LFS system a long time ago (15-20 years and in a galaxy far, far away) and I would encourage anyone that is even remotely interested to do it. If you are interested in Linux and systems in general the insight it gives you will probably be valuable enough to warrant the time spent. 

I built it on a spare system with no expectation of ending up with anything useful other than knowledge. I wouldn’t advise trying to use the result as a production system. 

Someone had mentioned Gentoo and I have also run that as well as Arch. While these distros are awesome in their own right, I don’t think they come close to the experience of building LFS. 

I say go for it. Take your time and take breaks when you get frustrated. Always make sure you ask “why” and take the time to understand the answer. But leave the AI out of it. Letting someone or something else do the work for you is only going to obliviate the entire purpose of the experience. 

Have fun. 

> On Feb 28, 2025, at 05:53, Jeremy Davis via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:
> I have the LFS instructions downloaded and thinking I will give it a go.
> I have used Linux Mint for about 15 years as my primary personal computer
> but I am still kinda weak in the command prompt. Building LFS should fix
> that. I have joined the LFS support mailing list but I will be sure to also
> ask TriLUG for some help along the way.
> If it turns into too much busy work, it would be interesting to see if AI
> can somehow help me finish it. I am video recording talks at the All Things
> Open AI conf in a couple weeks so maybe I will learn more about how to do
> that.
> Jeremy Davis
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