[TriLUG] Linux From Scratch

via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Feb 28 12:48:09 EST 2025

On 28/02/2025 11:28, William Sutton via TriLUG wrote:
> For creative endeavours, like generating music, images, etc., AI can be 
> a useful tool.

I sort of take issue with that thought. We were promised that AI would 
remove the drudgery, the unpleasantness out of our lives, so that we 
could focus on creativity, on the arts, on self-development, etc...

Instead, we ended up with the opposite: these things are encroaching on 
the fun bits of life, and not touching the drudgery parts(*), leaving us 
with the drudgery.

Do not enable that. Do not encourage this encroaching of these things 
into what makes us human. That way madness lies...

(*) Because they can't do those things that we're being promised they 
could/would do. Because those are actually super hard to get right. 
These things aren't fit for purpose, they don't work.

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