[TriLUG] Advice Please

Joseph Mack NA3T via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue Mar 4 06:09:07 EST 2025

On Mon, 3 Mar 2025, Ed Blackman via TriLUG wrote:

> Sorry for the late reply, but I have a solution for Dell touchpads that 
> I thought you might be interested in.  I too prefer to use whatever Dell 
> calls its Trackpoint, and was frustrated to be touching the touchpad.
> I created ~/.config/autostart/touchpad-disable.desktop with this content:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=Application
> Name=Touchpad Disable
> Comment=Disable laptop touchpad
> Exec=sh -c 'xinput disable "$(xinput list --name-only | grep -i touchpad)"'


my rc file is

xinput disable 15

but I had to run it manually after starting X.

On my machine "15" is the mousepad (a touchpad is not listed). This 
disables both the touchpad and the mouse nubin. I can't disable them 
separately (they aren't listed separately).

I created a touchpad-disable.desktop file as above, but it didn't do 
anything. I didn't have an autostart directory, so I assume whatever looks 
for an autostart directory is not running on my machine. What looks in 

Thanks Joe

Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
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