[TriLUG] Linux From Scratch

via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue Mar 4 15:33:23 EST 2025

On 04/03/2025 15:22, Cristóbal Palmer wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2025, at 14:02, via TriLUG wrote:
>> Speaking of signal-to-noise ratio, here's a little bash script
> I write for two reasons. The first is to iterate on your script to make it more cross-platform, and the second is to share an example URL that highlights (for me) the biggest flaw in the approach.
> ....[SNIP]....
> cmp at oof ~ % ./textsig.sh https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasa2explore/
> html bytes:   588455
> text bytes:     4589
> Signal ratio for https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasa2explore/
>   .00779838730234257504

Oh it was by no means anything scientific, much more tongue-in-cheek. :) 
That script is a very, very blunt instrument.
It just compares the plain text to the HTML, so stuff like HTML tags and 
script and css etc all get considered 'noise'.

I was just having some fun right there ;)

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