[TriLUG] Pi0 as pi-hole
Stephen Wiley via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Sat Mar 8 17:14:33 EST 2025
I kind of hate to be the "brave browser guy" but the built in adblock is
very good there and it's trivially easy to install manifest v2
extensions with no extra tools or signatures.
On Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 10:12:51PM +0000, Bickhaus via TriLUG wrote:
> > Chrome has allowed All the Old Ad-blockers to be detected and fail ...
> > Is it likely Pihole will stop all/most of those things which annoy me and prevent the browse to tell the website I want displayed that their "Ads" aren't available?
> > Thanks for anyone who uses this technology; until now, I hadn't looked at a physical topology to resolve the annoyance.
> It can certainly block a lot, but not all ads. By default there are about 140,000 domains in the blocklist (and there are people who curate other popular lists that you can choose to add). When your device/pc sends a dns request for one a domain on the blocklist, it simply ignores the request, so you won’t get any ads/trackers etc from those domains. However, since ads will come from domains you won’t to block (e.g., the same domain as the site you are accessing). Those won’t be blocked.
> That’s why I still run ublock origin and privacy badger in Firefox.
> There are other neat things you can do with pihole/unbound like setting up custom dns. If you have a locally hosted site, do some ADS-B, have other computers you access regularly, you can create your own names for them and link them to their static local IPs.
> Chris Bickhaus
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