Community Forum -- 3.26.98 -- Record of Discussion
Focus: Opening communication between faculty and students on how to motivate change

A Note

This meeting was held March 26, 1998 at 6:30 PM in Hunt Lobby. It was announced the previous evening. We apologize for the poor scheduling (especially to the math department) and in the future will try to plan more in advance. Other than that, the meeting was highly successful and a first step in the community building mentioned below. Over 40 students, 4 teachers, 2 staff members, and 2 SLIs attended. All participants were able to freely exchange their ideas in a constructive and useful manner. Please send reflections about the meeting in an effort to improve the style for this year and beyond. In the near future, a WWW posting board will be set up for public comments.

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If there is a change that needs to be made, what is the focus of that change?
How do we want to initiate change? Slow and steady or by getting attention.
Taking the community's pulse
Large v. Day-to-day concerns
Proactively addressing solutions, instead of rehashing problems
What worked in the past? Looking behind us, before we move forward


Community building


Submitted by Matt Wagers, March 26, 1998
If there are any errors, omissions, or other misrepresentations of this meeting, please let me know.