Treat report seriously

     Despite the possibility of overzealous journalism or bad publicity, the independent commission's report on NCSSM cannot be dismissed.

     Commission members spent countless hours learning about the school, and their result is undeniably accurate. However, the Board of Trustees said dealing with personnel was outside of the commission's charge. This is a poor conclusion. I fail to see how a body concerned with building a community of fairness and diversity can ignore certain findings.

     Whether asked for or not, the trustees received evidence of irresponsible leadership, which must be dealt with. Repeatedly, board members argued the distinction between fact and perception as a basis for disqualifying remarks made about NCSSM's executive director.

     Fact and perception, however, are not easily separated; a fact is merely a perception of truth. I know the commission's report cannot be overlooked for vanity's sake. No matter how painful, it must be treated frankly and openly for the sake of one of the finest educational institutions yet conceived.


     The writer is a junior at NCSSM.