#ncsulug @ Freenode stats by jeremy@trilug.org

Statistics generated on Saturday 28 February 2009 - 4:52:04
During this 2212-day reporting period, a total of 651 different nicks were represented on #ncsulug.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Last seenRandom quote
1 sinfinity504306256428616794230942 days ago"he just gave you all the even ones of his :D"
2 skip381271059030891150912939today"Ricket, did you praise java the other day?"
3 ispiked__3201753991255895616407today"you could go with helvetica/arial"
4 frijole2473827001528988010630yesterday"probably about as many as people who use beat time"
5 Dorothy24173175236688509102446 days ago"I hear Bali's nice this time of year."
6 tocharian214061968243875539447921 days ago" | || *<-' THX FOR FLYING FREENODE!"
7 smithj20997311616026977930218 days ago"they'd kill me when i got back :-P"
8 Nilbus200321488395375777014today"who knows mercurial? maybe someone else can present that"
9 redwolf1165729103972768558230 days ago"hmm, haven't really had a need to mess with one"
10 err0rr114871417119541644711916 days ago"im sure where you are on campus factors in too"
11 El_Heffe1136491070239545798883 days ago"like an iso loopback or some junk"
12 iank8029175462015674088today"it's in attacher.c, all by its lonesome"
13 mattwestm17611184512774411326 days ago"Nilbus: ever had the smoothie style bubble tea?"
14 sceadu_7575193529119963353131 days ago"i guess i'm off to cookout then. brb for a while."
15 geckosenator582915331709133213875 days ago"berserk is an interesting anime"
16 evilroot5421176613614272092258 days ago"http://fenrir.mimisbrunnr.net/~fregac/840_2.jpg"
17 tarheelcoxn5316186832710412080380 days ago"yeah, but that plan includes unlimited data"
18 slack519583525211720yesterday"his own perl...I believe using some cyrus tools"
19 jportzer51218282208196031 days ago"ah, I'm still on 1.5. everyone says 2.0.x crashes way too much"
20 Riche47749793091432205426 days ago"When I have class ALL FUCKING DAY the day after."
21 lnxduk_46331136270131119161184 days ago"multiple layers of tape for all cases"
22 andrewaclt463114412610123349545 days ago"xchat aqua is not very good."
23 mbjohn408719682083879 days ago"btw, hey jportzer, admiralfrijole :)"
24 skip77381987480920921079 days ago"be there in a bit, redwolf"
25 smithj_dargo346157418912271471488 days ago"first snow was last weekend :)"

These didn't make it to the top:
h3xis_ (3300) Nivex (3234) hunter (3055) skewtwo (2920) `Jag (2662)
elliot (2458) spenser_ (2302) Wolfman2000 (2292) MattwestM (2282) strandist (2253)
QuantumChem (2127) Go1dfish (2077) Christopher (1897) ncsubt (1771) pcassell (1719)
jwbernin (1637) draco (1507) jbroome (1497) akdom (1447) jahutton (1410)
M4vR|cK (1405) AceMc03 (1281) sadmac_ (1278) sadmac (1263) mgalgoci (1257)
Faramir (1161) mdonaghy (1128) pakrat (1096) deviant- (1089) Lord^Anubis (1013)

By the way, there were 596 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 skip - 10590 sinfinity - 4286 sinfinity - 16794 sinfinity - 23094
2 sinfinity - 6256 Nilbus - 3953 skip - 11509 ispiked__ - 16407
3 ispiked__ - 5399 Dorothy - 3668 frijole - 9880 skip - 12939
4 smithj - 3116 skip - 3089 ispiked__ - 8956 frijole - 10630
5 redwolf - 2910 tocharian - 2438 Dorothy - 8509 Dorothy - 10244
6 frijole - 2700 mbjohn - 1968 Nilbus - 7577 tocharian - 9447
7 tocharian - 1968 smithj - 1602 tocharian - 7553 smithj - 9302
8 sceadu_ - 1935 frijole - 1528 smithj - 6977 Nilbus - 7014
9 tarheelcoxn - 1868 ispiked__ - 1255 err0rr - 4164 El_Heffe - 5798
10 mattwestm1 - 1845 err0rr - 1195 El_Heffe - 3954 redwolf - 5582

Big numbers
Is Kurrelgyre stupid or just asking too many questions? 29.4% lines contained a question!
`Jag didn't know that much either. 26.8% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Bit, who yelled 30.9% of the time!
Another old yeller was MafiaBot, who shouted 18.8% of the time!
It seems that ik's shift-key is hanging: 10.2% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:

ncsubt just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.3% of the time.
smithj is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 77 times.
For example, like this:
     * smithj stabs wileyrm in the eye

Nilbus can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 73 times.
Poor Nilbus, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 67 times.
For example, like this:
     * skip77 slaps Nilbus

back seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 40 times.
mbjohn brings happiness to the world. 25.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
mbjohn-rmt isn't a sad person either, smiling 22.7% of the time.
mbjohn-rmt seems to be sad at the moment: 6.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
mbjohn is also a sad person, crying 4.9% of the time.
pakrat wrote the longest lines, averaging 69.4 letters per line.
#ncsulug average was 31.6 letters per line.
SpEeD147 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 17.4 characters per line.
sgarg was tight-lipped, too, averaging 18.7 characters.
sinfinity spoke a total of 235314 words!
sinfinity's faithful follower, ispiked__, didn't speak so much: 224926 words.
pinhole wrote an average of 42.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.01 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 frijole (97 names) admiralchem, admiralknoppix, admiralb, admiralfountain, admirale115, admiralway, capnfajita, admialaway, admiralrijole, admiralfrijoler, ...
2 El_Heffe (69 names) Chemistry, El_Hausaufgabe, Chill_Heffe, Douge_Greene, emacs_sucks, sXe_Heffe, tehpopo, El_Education, El_GettingAnEduc, bi1, ...
3 bubbles (58 names) bubbles_, bubbs|study, bubs|nothere, bubs|bbl, rhl9, Keyser-S, bubbles|bed, bubbles|werk, bubs-away, Nilbus, ...
4 Wolfman2000 (47 names) Clueles2K, not_right, Wolf2k_back, Wolf2k_BadPC, Wolf2k_Jammin, Wolf2k_Stuff, Wolf2k_back_dorm, Wolf2k_sleep, Wolf2k_Food, NotRight, ...
5 Nilbus (34 names) Sero, pcassell, Bit, root`, Nilbus_Home, Nilbus_gone, akdom, Nilbus, Dorothy, MrAnders1n`, ...

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 something 4150 Nilbs
2 because 3038 QuantumChem
3 actually 2766 QuantumChem
4 probably 2515 QuantumChem
5 thought 1934 QuantumChem
6 anything 1920 akdom
7 someone 1874 slashcom
8 getting 1668 QuantumChem
9 Windows 1650 slashcom
10 morning 1632 Nilbus

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 skip 84612 andrewaclt_
2 QuantumChem 41805 akdom
3 spiffytech_ 21467 slashcom
4 Nilbus 14896 slashcom
5 ispiked__ 7224 skip

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.trilug.org/~jeremy/pisg/ncsu.html 29 Nilbus
2 http://lug.ncsu.edu/ 21 Pavao
3 ftp://ftp.linux.ncsu.edu 12 Nilbus
4 http://www.trilug.org/~jeremy/piespy/%23ncsulug.png 7 jportzer
5 http://crap.err0rr.com/ncsulug/ 7 ncsubt

Other interesting numbers
frijole wasn't very popular, getting kicked 32 times!
For example, like this:
     *** frijole was kicked by sm1thj

ncsubt seemed to be hated too: 18 kicks were received.
frijole is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 46 people!
frijole's faithful follower, elliot, kicked about 27 people.
ChanServ donated 267 ops in the channel...
frijole was also very polite: 10 ops from him/her.
frijole is the channel sheriff with 114 deops.
Dorothy deoped 38 users.
skip always lets us know what he/she's doing: 3318 actions!
For example, like this:
     * skip77 lives just west of campus, no snow here

Also, Dorothy tells us what's up with 1993 actions.
sinfinity talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 673 times!
Another lonely one was skip, who managed to hit 359 times.
wyggler3 couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 1098 joins during this reporting period!
Claire has quite a potty mouth. 4.4% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Claire> Someone is being an ass

jbrowne also makes sailors blush, 2.4% of the time.

Latest Topics
LUG@NCSU || Next meeting: March 17 7p, Riddick 314: Unpresentation (everyone, bring your own thing to present!) 2 days ago at 14:20 by Nilbus
LUG@NCSU || Next meeting: March 17, Riddick 314: Unpresentation (everyone, bring your own thing to present!) 10 days ago at 20:18 by spiffytech_
LUG@NCSU || Come join us in Riddick 314 now! 10 days ago at 19:21 by spiffytech_
LUG@NCSU || Feb. 17, 7pm, Riddick 314: Netbooting Fedora + Beowulf clustering || http://tinyurl.com/dmarc-badcop 11 days ago at 18:36 by spiffytech_
LUG@NCSU || Feb. 17, 7pm, Riddick 314: Netbooting Fedora + Beowulf clustering 14 days ago at 23:30 by spiffytech_
LUG@NCSU || Feb. 17, 7pm, Riddick 314: Netbooting Fedora + Beowulf clustering || coolepochcountdown.com 14 days ago at 16:06 by spiffytech_
The topic was set 698 times.
Total number of lines: 495238.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 02 minutes and 37 seconds