Here is a set of "actual" scripts, in use at a client for running a Master/Slave Fail-over pair for a SquidGuard installation. The slave kicks in and takes over if the master goes off-line. If the master comes back on-line then the slave backs down again. All these scripts run on the Slave: Server_Sync - Keeps the Slave up-to-date with the Master. Runs once a night. Note: it expects a nightly backup to be run on the Master server. This script grabs the first rotated copy of the backup tar file, so the slave is always 24 hours behind the Master. This is done intentionally so the Slave is always running with a valid and known good configuration. Server_check - Runs every minute out of cron to check on the status of the Master server. Initiates the Failover or the Return scripts. The check is three pings in a minute on the Primary ethernet card. If all three pings fail, then failover is initiated. The Master server runs with a public IP address and a private IP address. The private IP address is an IP alias (eth0:1) running on the same NIC as the Public IP. The slave is plugged into the same switch (or a parrallel switch) and uses an IP alias on the same private network. Server_Failover - Script to move the slave onto the network as the master, and startup any necessary services Server_Return - script to move the slave back off the network and into stand-by mode. ====== The following files are in /root/config/ conf_files - The files and directories to be updated nightly by Server_Sync (Not a script... just a list). Note: be sure to leave the root "/" off of any entry - as the backups are stored without the root "/" in the tar file. network.failover - a copy of the Master's /etc/sysconfig/network file ifcfg-eth1.failover - a copy of the Master's /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 file ====== The directory /root/master_backup/ is also used as a storage place for the most recent system backup of the Master server.