My name is Jon Carnes.

Welcome to my web site. I will always be tweeking it - so if you have any comments, please feel free to share them with me!

What's all this then!

Caught in the act!!!

Stealing cookies back in my Davinci days.
(Everyone was *almost* fooled by my clever disguise!)


I am a computer/networking guru with a degree in Physics from NC State university. I love to hike, bike, play ultimate frisbee, and spend time with my wee sons, Christopher and Daniel.

For a look at some of the people I play Ultimate with, visit the Zen Ultimate site.

Woof! Woof!My wife and I have retired from rescuing animals (The kids take all our time!). But we still advocate Second Chance: an organization that rescues strays (only strays!), fixes them up, and then finds them new homes. Click on the picture of Red for more details.

I am a LAN/WAN/Phone systems kind of guy who can keep systems up and running and make *anything* work consistantly. Feel free to check out my resume.
Recently, I joined the good folks at HAHT ("hot") Software as their IS guru. HAHT is a growing company based in Raleigh North Carolina that makes some awesome web development software. But don't just take my word - check out HAHT yourself!

If you want to talk about hiking, computers, software, or parenting tactics (my free advice is worth every penny...) then drop me a line at(

Speaking of email... I would like to thank the good folks at Mindspring for doing their part to stamp out SPAM in our time! Thanks to their Spaminator™ I am no longer inundated by annoying email from To learn about SPAM and how to take action against it, walk the web over to It's a great site, and a good cause!

 : )

One of our favorite trails thru the Grayson Highlands

Hiking in the wilds of Virginia before Christopher was born.

More Pictures