-!- Channel #trilug-rhce created Wed Feb 5 19:49:24 2003
< SinnerP> date
<@jeremyp> hey mike
< sweeper> hello
< Tribot> privet, sweeper
< SinnerP> $ date
< SinnerP> Wed Feb 12 20:11:03 EST 2003
<@jeremyp> Tribot: sweeper is MIke Broome
<@jeremyp> Tribot: no, sweeper is Mike Broome
< Tribot> okay, jeremyp.
< SinnerP> hi there
< SinnerP> when are we meant to start this meeting?
< cerient> ok, i've got a topic:
< JonC> >>BANG<< >>BANG<< lets call this meeting to order
< cerient> why does my ntp daemon stop working every few days?
< cerient> and lose the time?
< SinnerP> cerient: tempora fugits?
-!- sholton [~sholton@sdn-ar-012ncraleP286.dialsprint.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< cerient> SinnerP: ???
< jimstigator> man, Sinner's on a roll
< sholton> greets
<@jeremyp> cerient: a server?  Or a computer that reboots, like a laptop
or dual-boot ?
< JonC> Put a cron job in to make sure it's running every hour
<@jeremyp> sholton: hey.. what's your real name?
< sweeper> anything in the logs about it exiting?
< cerient> server, never reboots
< sholton> Steve Holton
< JonC> I've seen NTP stop when the time values vary too much during one session
<@jeremyp> Tribot: sholton is Steve Holton
< cerient> i could cron it but why is it necessary?
< sweeper> hey, this is lisa, but just for second.  the topic for tonight was supposed to be discussing
< sweeper> sinner's update of the syllabus, but since i didn't get the notes
< SinnerP> cerient: time disapears
< cerient> SinnerP:  thanks :-)
< sweeper> typed up and sent out, that wasn't obvious.  mea culpa.  i still think it's a good topic!
<@jeremyp> Lisa, yeah , +1
< SinnerP> sweeper: no prob
< sweeper> i'm slammed at work this week - will try to get the notes in ASAP.  (they're at my desk, which i haven't seen in 4 days because i've been trapped in our datacenter.
< sweeper> we now return you to your regularly scheduled mike...
* SinnerP has uploaded proposed and all syllabus. Check
< SinnerP> Are you all there?
< JonC> Were reading the sylb
<@jeremyp> Yeah, it needs to say the meetings are Wed. from 8pm to 10pm though
< cerient> <homer voice>can't talk, reading
< SinnerP> jeremyp: ok
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: #4 can remove linuxconf, but substitute overview of the redhat-config-* tools
<@jeremyp> We didn't do the 'Conscripting of "volunteers" to lead each session.' part yet, so I assume we're gonna figure that out tonight ?
< SinnerP> jeremyp: yessir
< JonC> A lot of folks are using webmin does the RHCE cover that?
<@jeremyp> No Red Hat does not recognize the existence of webmin (NIH syndrome)
< SinnerP> JonC: AFAIK, webmin is out of RedHat distros.
< cerient> too much of a crutch anyway (webmin)
-!- ovrclokd [~lisa@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
< SinnerP> jeremyp: define NIH sundrome
< ovrclokd> hi there...
< SinnerP> howdy ovrclokd
< cerient> i'll volunteer to lead the first session (hardware)
< JonC> Interesting... I set up most of clients with webmin type services
< ovrclokd> this is lisa - mike got tired of me shoulder-surfing.. :)
<@jeremyp> Not-Invented-Here syndrome.  The desire to reinvent the wheel instead of modifying others programs
<@jeremyp> Tribot: ovrclokd is Lisa Lorenzin
< cerient> i like webmin too, but it ain't gonna help you pass the test
<@jeremyp> Nothing wrong with webmin, I was just pointing out why it's not relevant for RHCE
< SinnerP> JonC: me too
< SinnerP> thaks jeremyp
< sholton> we may need to update the class format.  Currently we have some instructions and some labs.  We probably need to redefine this as labs when we meet, instruction on IRC.
< SinnerP> sholton: truw
< SinnerP> true
< ovrclokd> exit
* ovrclokd blushes
< ovrclokd> oops, wrong window...
<@jeremyp> sholton: my understanding is that all of the 'meetings' on the list refer to in-person meetings, and that the IRC meetings are on the in-between weeks, right?
<@jeremyp> ovrclokd: no problem, we don't want you quitting anyway :)
< sweeper> has anyone (the last group?) used this syllabus to take and/or pass the RHCE?
* SinnerP has just uploaded some changes to the page
< sweeper> do we know if it tracks well with the actual test?
-!- lsc21 [~louis@durham-ar1-4-64-254-010.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< sweeper> I know there's RHCE info at http://www.redhat.com/training/rhce/courses/, but I haven't looked at it much, yet
< sholton> best we can know is if it tracks well with the published recommendations.
< sweeper> 'k.  anybody know that?  (I don't :)
< sholton> but I'll agree it would be nice to have something better than just "matches the web page..."
< SinnerP> I presented a pritned page on kick-off meeting
< SinnerP> let's review it
-!- slundgren [~scottl@user-0c8hf2r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< SinnerP> http://www.redhat.com/training/rhce/courses/rhce_content.html
< SinnerP> and
< SinnerP> http://www.redhat.com/training/rhce/courses/rh300_prereq.html
<@jeremyp> Yeah that's the important page.  That and the "RH300 prereq" page at .. err, never mind
<@jeremyp> SinnerP is too fast for me!
< sholton> he cheats...
< SinnerP> not really
< SinnerP> I type fast ...w/o spell checker
< sweeper> now, we're talkin'.  these look like what I had in mind.
< SinnerP> it looks like the rhce_content is more like a syllabus
< JonC> Should we just go down the list of the rhce_content page?
< SinnerP> the rhce_prereq is more like "things to know before medling in the affair of BOFHs"
< SinnerP> JonC: +1
<@jeremyp> JonC: well the pages we did *ARE* based on that outline
<@jeremyp> Not a coincidence :)
< JonC> What kind of question could they ask about "Hardware compatibility"
< SinnerP> but not exactly true
< sweeper> 'k. so it sounds like we are, in fact, on the right track.
< sweeper> it's just a metter of splitting things up into classes and labs ... oh and the learning .. and we're go to go
< SinnerP> Units 1 and 3 can go together. Reall
< SinnerP> Really
< SinnerP> as well as the Software RAID Configuration in Unit 4
< JonC> No.  I think Unit 1 is important for its coverage of devices
<@jeremyp> JonC: probably things like "don't expect winmodems to work easily" etc...
-!- sholton1 [~sholton@sdn-ar-012ncraleP330.dialsprint.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< JonC> jeremyp: Ahh good point
< SinnerP> most probably, "how do we know if a device is suported?" look on RH HW database
< cerient> i'll volunteer to lead the lab to cover the hardware/installation stuff
< SinnerP> and "expect really really new hardware to not being 100% supported"
< JonC> Hypothetical: it works under windows, you want to move it over to RH where do you look for IO and IRQ settings
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: yeah but the HW database is WAY out of date so I dunno the real-world validity of that answer
< gmontag> or ide raid
<@jeremyp> gmontag: yeah
< SinnerP> RAID should be part of install class, as they are very tied together
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: he meant IDE raid hardware like Promise cards
< SinnerP> jeremyp: OK. LEt's say, then, "see kernel doc"
< SinnerP> AFAIK, they are supported. OR aren't they?
<@jeremyp> Yeah software raid is part of isntallation.   I have a question -- is there anyone here who's never done a Red Hat Linux installation ?
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: limited support IIRC, maybe it's improved.  But probably not supported at a Red Hat level
< SinnerP> ...REd Hat 8.0 instalaltion on x86 Hardware...
< JonC> How about CPU and SMP support.  I've never installed RH8.0 on an SMP server. Anything special aobut that?
<@jeremyp> (can't install RHL 8 anywhere *but* x86, fyi)
<@jeremyp> JonC: not really, other than you need an SMP kernel.  Should be auto-detected.
< cerient> JonC: nothing special, assuming the second cpu is detected.  the bootloader will give two kernel options, UP and SMP
<@jeremyp> It will install both UP and SMP kernels IIRC  (called "linux" and "linux-up")
-!- sholton [~sholton@sdn-ar-012ncraleP286.dialsprint.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
< sweeper> JonC: I installed on a dual-Pentium (P90 .. yeah, it's ancient) and didn't have to do anything to get SMP from the start
< cerient> now UPGRADING from one cpu to two, that would be interesting...
< SinnerP> JonC: SMP "just works"
< JonC> What do you get when you do a "top" command
<@jeremyp> But back to the question, can we assume that everyone has done a basic Red Hat Linux installation?
< sholton1> cerient: ...but not likely to be on the test...
<@jeremyp> So we all understand the general process?  Or not ?
< JonC> Anything special in the /proc from smp?
< sweeper> cerient: that's just an upgrade to an SMP kernel, right?
< SinnerP> JonC: usage on CPUs 0 and 1
<@jeremyp> JonC: /proc/cpuinfo
< SinnerP> JonC: nothing wierd
< cerient> i have a dualie here at my place, but it's too big and heavy to move to n raleigh
<@jeremyp> sweeper: yes, all you need is to install an SMP kernel, then check /proc/cpuinfo to make sure it works
< sholton1> basic, yes.  but it's a critical skill (1/3 of test) so we should study it well.
<@jeremyp> sholton1: understood.
< SinnerP> sholton1: again, what is a 1/3 of the test?
< lsc21> does the test cover http ftp nfs installs?
< SinnerP> lsc21: it's a good thing to know
<@jeremyp> lsc21: probably
< JonC> I've heard rumours that it is heavy on kickstart
< sholton1> installing RHL is 1/3 of the test.  If you fudge that, it's game over.
< cerient> i'm working on a customer project right now that involved kickstart, so i should be pretty good at it in a couple of weeks
< SinnerP> JonC: kickstart is not that difficult to use
< sholton1> If you can install well (quickly) you save time: more time for other stuff.
< SinnerP> sholton1: ok. thanks
< JonC> In fact someone who took the test told me that I had better know everything there is to know about Kickstart
< SinnerP> JonC: there's a lot of undocumented stuff on kickstart
< SinnerP> although reading a kickstart file is easy
< cerient> kinda hard to study undocumented stuff isn't it :-)
<@jeremyp> Kickstart is easy... look in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg to see a KS file based on your just-completed normal installation
< SinnerP> cerient: yes. that's why I love/hate jeremy
< JonC> cerient: falls in the realm of philosophy
<@jeremyp> Also there's a graphical redhat-config-kickstart (or something similar)
< SinnerP> that file has commented out the part about disk aprtitioning
<@jeremyp> Here's another clue about the test.  DON'T WORRY ABOUT UNDOCUMENTED STUFF!
< sholton1> kickstart could be used as a core competency: not just "can you install apache" but "can you kickstart to an apache..."
< sholton1> 2 birds, 1 stone
< SinnerP> jeremyp: that utility only works from an already working RedHat system witha  a GUI
<@jeremyp> The official red hat linux documentation has got to be a great study guide.  There's no way there will be "undocumented" stuff
< SinnerP> exactly
< SinnerP> the undocumented stuff are extra features, not needed in 99% of install acses
<@jeremyp> $45 well spent from redhat.com to get the printed version
< SinnerP> jeremyp: that's the cost of boxed RH 8.0?
< SinnerP> hehehe
< cerient> ahhhhhhhhhh, i feel better
< JonC> I've also heard rumour that there is stuff on the test that you can only learn via real world ... ie undocumented.
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: no, the cost of the documentation.  The boxed set only includes the install guide, not the full docs
< sholton1> I guess that means you volunteer?
< SinnerP> jeremyp: can you gfet the doc alone?
<@jeremyp> JonC: not undocumented per se.  Maybe stuff not directly on the outline that's real world, but I'll bet it's in those docs
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: yes, that's the $45 I was talking about
< SinnerP> like reading log files
< SinnerP> ok jeremyp
< cerient> i have box sets of rh72 and 73 professional, with books
<@jeremyp> Oh, and yeah the professional version includes the full docs
< sholton1> You know, there's a joke about undocumented: "What do you mean undocumented? it's OPEN SOURCE"...
< SinnerP> cerient: how good are you into raid and LVM stuff?
<@jeremyp> JonC: re: real-world stuff on the test, that's certainly the case from the RHCT that I took.  Without violating NDA, I'll say that the folks who didn't have real-world failed on the very first exercise
< JonC> New Hardware Detection - do you think it's simply kudzu or is this a favorite for the "fix the broken server" part
< cerient> SinnerP: good but not great
<@jeremyp> JonC: I'll bet that means dealing with kudzu mostly
< SinnerP> JonC: new hardware: kudzu + know it's active + use isapnp tools (maybe)
< SinnerP> cerient: ok. rememeber that I've been qa guy at rhl, if you need help
< JonC> I'll have to brush up on my ISA..
< cerient> SinnerP: gracias amigo
< SinnerP> JonC: me too. also, know about lspci, lsmod, modprobe and such
<@jeremyp> Okay, but back to tonight's agenda.  Jason is going to lead meeting 2, hw and isntallation.
< JonC> RAID and LVM are pretty easy (at least coming from the Solaris side of unix)
< SinnerP> JonC: have you dealt with LVM on RG 8.0?
< SinnerP> RH 8.0
<@jeremyp> I'd say let's move printing to meeting 4 (maybe, though meeting 4 looks a bit heavy).  I'll volunteer to lead meeting 4.
< JonC> I did for a contract job, but I've also used it in earlier versions (had to muck with the kernel)
<@jeremyp> SinnerP, JonC : let's stay on tonight's agenda for a little while, please ?
< SinnerP> ok jeremyp
< SinnerP> so
< SinnerP> who is getting Class One?
<@jeremyp> Class one already happenned
< SinnerP> cerient seems to be voluntieering
< cerient> looks like me
< SinnerP> jeremyp: OK. Meeting 2 then
< SinnerP> cerient: check out my page for a guide (last year's guide)
< sholton1> there's an awful lot of bullets there.  each one could be a lesson.
<@jeremyp> sholton1: true but we've got to be fast-paced
< SinnerP> sholton1: is not that bad. really
< cerient> i'll fly thru my material so fast you won't even have time to write it down.  or understand it.
< SinnerP> cerient: what do you think for Meeting 2 use Units 1 & 3 + Software RAID?
< SinnerP> sholton1: specially if we have the presentation on-line 2 days before the meeting
< cerient> SinnerP: that sounds good to me
< SinnerP> thus, we could break apart meeting 5 into 2 meetings (is mwaay more meaty)
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: yeah, sounds good to me
< SinnerP> sholton1: in previous RHCE classes, install &hardware goes by pretty fast
< ovrclokd> sholton1: at the meeting last week, we were discussing that - whether to have presentation on irc or in realtime
< SinnerP> Tribot: who is sholton1?
< Tribot> no idea, sinnerp
< ovrclokd> sholton1: i think the consensus was that realtime meetings would be presentation+lab, irc would be talking about questions / issues
< ovrclokd> am i remembering correctly, guys?
<@jeremyp> sholton1: try typing "/nick sholton"
< ovrclokd> personally, i think having the presentation materials available ahead of time would make the realtime meetings go a lot faster...
-!- sholton1 is now known as sholton
< SinnerP> Tribot: who is sholton?
< Tribot> well, sholton is Steve Holton
< ovrclokd> but trying to present on irc involved a whole lotta typing (or cut-n-paste, even)
<@jeremyp> ovrclokd: +1 from me.
< SinnerP> ovrclokd: mee too
<@jeremyp> then, after the meetings, the IRC session will be for further q&a + discussion.
<@jeremyp> Hopefully people will try things out on their own real-world systems in order to generate questions etc.
< SinnerP> sholton: what do you think?
< sweeper> jeremyp: agreed - everyone should be trying to do some homework and trial & error outside of meetings
< sholton> so, meet-up is "watch me", the week after is "do it yourself", and IRC is "what about....?"
< SinnerP> sholton: realy, HW and install it ain't that bad.
<@jeremyp> sholton: +1
< sweeper> sholton: that sounds about right.  the weeks we get together and someone presents, there might be some hands on, but it'll mostly be "watch me".
< ovrclokd> sholton: exactly.  that way we get the chance to break it at home and then ask everybody about what we broke. :)
< sholton> so we only really need one system at the meet-ups.  That's good.
< SinnerP> very
< sweeper> sholton: the other weeks when we don't get together, we'll be trying on our own, and have an IRC meeting to discuss and ask
< sholton> ovrclokd: well put.
< SinnerP> and, maybe, change the syllabus, as needed
< sweeper> ovrclokd: I know who I'll be asking first ;)
< SinnerP> to suit us
< ovrclokd> sweeper: don't you mean, you know who *i'll* be asking first? ;)
<@jeremyp> okay so the general plan is then to do hw & installation next Wed, Feb 19th
< sholton> Who's running the 19th meeting?
<@jeremyp> and configuration & administration on Wed, March 5th ?
<@jeremyp> sholton: Jason Tower aka cerient
< sholton> k
< cerient> i'm down with that
< sweeper> [OT] irc question - what does "nick1 requested CTCP VERSION from nick2" mean?
< SinnerP> jeremyp: OK, we'll work on the details of next presencial meeting after cerient's one
<@jeremyp> sweeper: means soemone sent you a "client-to-client protocol" message asking what irc client version you're using
< SinnerP> sweeper: someone is asking you something, at protoocl level
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: fine; I volunteered for the config & admin meeting FYI
< SinnerP> cool
< sweeper> jeremyp: do I need to answer?  or does the client do that for me?
< SinnerP> jeremyp: and I assume that you are Jeremy Porter
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: Portzer
<@jeremyp> Tribot: who is jeremyp
< Tribot> rumour has it jeremyp is Jeremy Portzer, Trilug Treasurer (mailto:jeremyp@pobox.com)
< SinnerP> jeremyp: and I assume that you are Jeremy Portzer
< SinnerP> treasurer? mmm,good
<@jeremyp> sweeper: the client probably did it for you, though you can block it
< SinnerP> sweeper: your client answers auto,and let's you know with that info message
< sholton> SoSinnerP: obviously you've never been one...
<@jeremyp> sweeper: try soemthing like "/ctcp ovrclokd VERSION" to see an example
< sweeper> jeremyp: good client :)  thanks for the recomendation
< SinnerP> sholton: I mean, we can ask him for a loan
< sholton> SinnerP: you can ask...
< SinnerP> anyway
< cerient> anyone have any special requests for next week's session?
* SinnerP remembers something about getting at EclecticLAN by 7:30, to get a subway sandwich :)
< SinnerP> cerient: get 2 HDDs and do some raid / lvm
< SinnerP> and some ftp/nfs installs
<@jeremyp> You can do pretend RAID or LVM with multiple partitions on one HDD
* sweeper remembers something about chinese rather than subway, but 7:30 sounds right
< cerient> i can probably scare up a couple of 2gb disks
<@jeremyp> But we really need two computers to do an NFS or FTP install
< gmontag> The chinese is good
< SinnerP> chinese? really?
< SinnerP> mmm
< SinnerP> yum
< gmontag> I have 2 computers here
< cerient> and i'll bring a second workstation
<@jeremyp> Yeah, +1 for chinese, +0 for subway
< sholton> jeremyp: it can be done with one...
< SinnerP> I can bring a light-weight PC
< cerient> gmontag: yeah but your w/s suck as far as linux is concerned :-)
<@jeremyp> um, duh, we can use a public mirror (or trilug) for teh ftp/http install
< cerient> jeremyp: a little slow, that's why i brought a server the first time
<@jeremyp> cerient: gotcha.  Did you rsync the tree to that server?
< SinnerP> I can set up a nfs server on the lightweight PC (10 GB hdd)
< gmontag> I have 2 older boxes here
< gmontag> run linux good
< sholton> I'll try to bring my own box, but no networking.
< cerient> jeremyp: no, but i copied the CD contents to the HD
<@jeremyp> cerient: good enough
< sweeper> jeremyp: did you say at the last meeting that you'd log thes irc sessions and webify 'em?
< cerient> ready for nfs/ftp/http installation
<@jeremyp> sweeper: I think I forgot to tell irssi to log this, oops
< SinnerP> I'm kinda saving them
* SinnerP is kinda saving a logfile(s)
< sholton> SinnerP: thanks.
< ovrclokd> good point jeremyp.  for the next meeting, if you want to get food before the meeting, please show up early and be fed and ready to go at 8pm...
< ovrclokd> rock is being nice and letting us come early - we may as well take full advantage of it. :)
< sweeper> jeremyp: I have everything from when I signed on it the scrollback.  if I can just pry it lose ...
< cerient> i'll be there early fer sher
* jeremyp agress with ovrclokd, let's meet for chinese at 7:15 or earlier if you want to do that
<@jeremyp> sweeper: I do too, I just don't know if there's a command to save the scrollback history.  There probably is.
< SinnerP> do they take orders to go by phone?
-!- lovelace [~lovelace@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: I'm sure they do.  Pretty much all chinese places do.
< gmontag> yes phone is
< gmontag> 518-1063
< SinnerP> do they have a awebsite? to check out the menu
<@jeremyp> All of these strip-mall chinese places have pretty much the same menu :)
< ovrclokd> lovelace: hi there! :)
<@jeremyp> You can probably just find the menu printer company's web site and use that :)
< sholton> which is to say, anything that's not "just like every place else" won't be on the menu anyway.
< ovrclokd> i have a capture of the whole thing.  will put it up off my pages.  sinnerp, do you mind if i link your new syllabus there, too?
< SinnerP> ovrclokd: no prob
<@jeremyp> sholton: right, sometimes they have special things, but that's the "chinese speakers" menu :)
< SinnerP> ovrclokd: I'll re-do the syllabus a little more, to coverr all the http://www.redhat.com/training/rhce/courses/rhce_content.html things
< sholton> jeremyp: I've never cracked that encryption...
< ovrclokd> sinnerp: no problem - i wasn't going to grab the html, just put a link to it.  i'm going to replace
< SinnerP> jeremyp: I can order beer in chinese, as well as chopsticks
< SinnerP> ovrclokd: even better
< ovrclokd> my current page, since it has the old syllabus, with an info page about when/where the meetings and irc chats are,
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: and remember how we re-numbered the first few meetings?  Meeting 2 = all hw & installation, meeting 3 = configuration & admin.
< gmontag> name is handy chinese but I have never found a webpage with menu
< ovrclokd> how the whole thing is organized, what we're doing for food, and a link to your syllabus...
< SinnerP> ovrclokd: , jeremyp: OK. I'll do that
< ovrclokd> one more question.  any interest in trying to get / borrow a videocamera and tape the realtime sesssions?
< ovrclokd> it'd make a good library, and be helpful for people who have to miss...  but could be more bother than it's worth.  thoughts?
< sholton> too much distraction.
< SinnerP> ovrclokd: are you trying to involve lovelace into this?
<@jeremyp> I'm not terribly excited about that.. too much trouble
< cerient> too much trouble
< ovrclokd> sinnerp: yeah, but i was trying to be subtle about it. :)
< JonC> +1 too much trouble
< SinnerP> I look too fat on camera
< ovrclokd> okay, just a thought.
< sholton> Think how much of las meeting was spent trying to get n/w running, and we're all geeks.  none of us is a speilburg.
< gmontag> I have a camera here
< ovrclokd> tribot, who is gmontag?
< cerient> gmontag: don't encourage her!
< Tribot> hmmm... gmontag is Rock Roskam.
< SinnerP> gmontag: that's right
* ovrclokd is incorrigible ;)
< SinnerP> :)
<@jeremyp> gmontag: do you have a projector or large screen or something, so that the computer doing the presentation/demo can be seen by all?
< gmontag> No
< gmontag> would like one
< ovrclokd> mike and i have to sign off soon.  anything else exciting / critical before we go?
< sholton> alternately, we could VNCclient to a bunch od ws'
< SinnerP> I thinks that's almost it
< SinnerP> waut!
< ovrclokd> sholton: +1
< sweeper> jeremyp: +1. I was thinking last meeting that an InFocus thingy would be great for this
< SinnerP> wait!
< SinnerP> what about getting a NIC each one? for LTSP purposes?
< cerient> walt!
< ovrclokd> sinnerp: ?
< sweeper> sholton: +1
<@jeremyp> SinnerP: um, haven't we covered that ?
< sweeper> Tribot: who is walt?
< Tribot> sweeper: no idea
< sweeper> :)
< gmontag> I can install Tight VNC for windows
< SinnerP> s/walt/wait
< SinnerP> gmontag: that's true
< cerient> woot!
< sholton> no need, use the web interface
< gmontag> still working on Network cards
< SinnerP> doh!
< gmontag> the broadcom cards fully support pxe
* SinnerP never realizes that there really is some useful software for Win32...
< cerient> remember, vnc only works on a running system
<@jeremyp> -1 on the whole LTSP stuff.  VNC or nothing will be fine.
< cerient> won't have that during the install process
< sholton> Let's keep the production equipment running for Rock, please.
* ovrclokd agrees with jeremyp
< SinnerP> cerient: we just need to run WinVNC for classes *after* install is completed
< ovrclokd> we're all friends.  we can crowd around.  as long as everybody remembers deodorant, we'll be fine...
< lovelace> ovrclokd: Hey.
< cerient> running a vncserver is trivial, i'll handle that
* lovelace remembers to look back into the channel
< SinnerP> we can all peak over the shoulder on install class
< JonC> We agreed that the labs would be for demo - not hands on. So no need for LTSP. but lots of fun
< SinnerP> urpmi deodorant
<@jeremyp> So to answer Lisa's question, anything else that needs to be figured out right now?
<@jeremyp> Any volunteers for future sessions?
< gmontag> I have Axe comming in
< SinnerP> I guess not
<@jeremyp> JonC: agreed that LTSP is fun and I want to do it sometime, but not here/now
< SinnerP> jeremyp voluntiered for 3rd one (printing config and stff)
< SinnerP> next sessions, let's do it after the next one, on IRC
< sholton> sholton will wait in reserve to fill in (where others fear to tread...)
< SinnerP> so
< JonC> The best way to "learn" is to "teach"
< SinnerP> we have agreed on topic for Meeting 2
< sholton> JonC: ++
< ovrclokd> i can split standard networking service with somebody...
< SinnerP> cerient doing the HW & install & soft raid
-!- LinuxLouis [~lsc21@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
< SinnerP> we will use VNC, *not* LTSP
< SinnerP> chinese/subway, if you are early/late
< ovrclokd> that's a lot to cover in one evening.  mike and i can take it, but might be good to try to split it out.
< SinnerP> then, IRC session, where Q/A bout install/HW + fill teachers for next sessions
<@jeremyp> ovrclokd: I think we agreed that by consolidating the hw/install to one meeting, we were splitting the networking services into two
< SinnerP> ovrclokd: if it's too much, we can do a secnd session
< cerient> networking has to be two
< SinnerP> BTW
< cerient> way too much for one
< cerient> learned that last year
< ovrclokd> okay, mike and i will each take a session.
< SinnerP> next Monday, we all expect cerient to publish the class presentations on a website
< cerient> ok
< SinnerP> this will easy the meeting
< cerient> bu ti won't be getting any style points
< SinnerP> as we all must have read the presetnation
< SinnerP> the day before
< lovelace> So, pardon me if I'm slow, but when are the RHCE meetings? :-)
< SinnerP> some wednesdays
< sholton> you just missed one..
< sholton> :)
< SinnerP> lovelace: check out (work in progress) http://www.trilug.org/~sinner/rhce.html
< ovrclokd> lovelace: every other wednesday is realtime at 8pm at eclecticLAN
< ovrclokd> the non-realtime wednesdays are here at 8pm
< sweeper> lovelace: 8pm on Wednesdays, alternating meeting in person for presentations and meeting on irc or discussion/Q&A
< ovrclokd> general idea is presenter posts their presentation on monday
< ovrclokd> does a demo at the realtime meeting on wednesday
< ovrclokd> we all go home and play with it on our own boxes for a week
< sweeper> we
< sweeper> we
< ovrclokd> and then we meet on irc the next wednesday to commiserate :)
< lovelace> Ah.  Unfortunately, Wed doesn't work for me. :-(
* lovelace has babysitting duty wed nights.
< sweeper> note that we'll fudge the schedule to make sure to not have an in-person meeting the same week as TriLUG
< SinnerP> does your kid like chinessse and LAN gamming?
<@jeremyp> I think Bram's still a little young for LAN gaming, but ... :)
< SinnerP> mmm
< JonC> To bad we cant get a web-cam up and running for the labs
< SinnerP> and
< gmontag> I can put on tux paint and tux racer
< SinnerP> remember to rpm -ivh deodorant
< gmontag> I have a web cam setup
< SinnerP> we'll be in close qurters
< JonC> Can we broadcast the lab then?
< cerient> wow rock, it sounds like you have everything
< gmontag> We can try
< lovelace> SinnerP: Kind of hard to have a 19 month old watch over himself.
<gmontag> I am on one those machines now
<JonC> I used to wear mine in a sling while I worked on the computer - worked great
<SinnerP> 19 months old is almost old enough to play nick jr website's flash games
<sholton> Pajama Sam?
<JonC> I took each of my sons to work for a long time using the sling - it gave my wife a real break
<sweeper> ciao.  see y'all next week
<SinnerP> cia
* sweeper has to go watch West Wing
<SinnerP> o
<lovelace> JonC: He's a bit big for a sling right now. :-/
<jeremyp> ovrclokd: y'all don't have a Tivo?  :)
<lovelace> jeremyp: they do
<SinnerP> TiVo? get a Shuttle XPC with Linux :)
<JonC> Oh yeah, 19months - try the jump-up thingy that goes in the doorway
<JonC> My youngest loved that thing till he got too big to fit in it.
* SinnerP believes that the RHCE meeting is over
<JonC> OT: hay what OS do they have in the new Honda's
<jeremyp> SinnerP: looks that way.

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