--- Log opened Wed Jun 11 20:25:25 2003
-!- sweeper [~mbroome@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- Topic for #trilug-rhce: Next Meeting - Wed June 11 2003 8:00pm - right here
-!- Topic set by RedWolfe [] [Wed Jun 11 18:28:03 2003]
[Users #trilug-rhce]
[@ChanServ] [ gmontag] [ jimstigator] [ RedWolfe] [ sweeper] [ tripaste]
[ ccw ] [ jeremyp] [ jtower ] [ Sinner_ ] [ Tribot ]
-!- Irssi: #trilug-rhce: Total of 11 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal]
-!- Channel #trilug-rhce created Sun Apr 6 17:01:25 2003
-!- Irssi: Join to #trilug-rhce was synced in 1 secs
< Sinner_> howdy sweeper
< sweeper> howdy
< sweeper> sorry I'm late
< sweeper> if I've missed anything exciting, can somebody send me a log so I can link it to the syllabus?
< Sinner_> sweeper: do you have DCC?
< ccw> how is it that they are lighter?
* ccw waves
< ccw> sweeper: nothing has been happening
< ccw> you have missed absoulutely nothing significant.
< ccw> all jeremyp has said was, "hello".
< sweeper> Sinner_: dunno ... what's DCC?
< Sinner_> ccw: new technology applied to bateries
< Sinner_> sweeper: file transfer within irc protocol
< Sinner_> but I can send an email, of course
< sweeper> Sinner_: yeah, I think so. ccw sent me something that way last time
* sweeper is still new to this irc stuff
< Sinner_> don't worry
< Sinner_> irc is evil
* RedWolfe waves
< Sinner_> so, did youguys went over any juicy information on X during last live meeting?
< Sinner_> hi RedWolfe
< sweeper> Sinner_: Scott gave a good presentation and some neat stuff came out of the discussions
< sweeper> Scott's notes are linked off the syllabus
* Sinner_ is all ears
< Sinner_> sweeper: I'm there right now
< ccw> So, I put in a lighter, new battery and my old UPS is lighter ...
< Sinner_> ccw: not exactly
< Sinner_> you get your old UPS, use it as a door stopper, and buy a new UPS. New batteries only work with new UPS
< sweeper> I particularly enjoyed the discussion about tunneling X over ssh
< Sinner_> kinda like 486, i586, i686...
< sweeper> I learned something new about the XF86Config file, too, but I can't remember what it was :/
< Sinner_> sweeper: do you remember about it?
< ccw> Sinner_: the major weight in this UPS was the battery. (Although the transformer is a hefty chunk of iron.)
< sweeper> Sinner_: tunneling X over ssh? I know a few things about 'cause I do it all the time
< Sinner_> I know that, with X11 Forward = TRUE on sshd.conf file, tunneling X through ssh is possible
* ccw needs to go find another screwdriver ...
< Sinner_> ccw: now they are streamlined, with plastic cases and all the circuirty very small.
< jeremyp> Sinner_: remember the default is to always have X11 forwarding on
< jeremyp> you don't normally need to mess with the settings
< Sinner_> sweeper: did anyone went over the change-resolution-on-the-fly ?
< Sinner_> jeremyp: ok. thanks.
< jeremyp> Sinner_: you can't really do that in XFree86 4.3.0
-!- RedWolfe_ [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< sweeper> Sinner_: if the server supports it, just start the ssh client with "ssh -X ...". if it worked, the remote shell with have $DISPLAY set to something like localhost:10.0, and the X traffic will magically get tunneled
< Sinner_> jeremyp: I thought that 4.3 was the one able to do it
< jeremyp> you don't normally need the -X
< jeremyp> it is almost always enabled by default
< Sinner_> jeremyp: is that an alias? or is it part of default .bashrc ?
< sweeper> jeremyp: yeah, execpt for the case when you do :) so I tack it on there all the time to be sure
< jeremyp> always has been in Red Hat Linux for example... double check for a non-RHL machine
< jeremyp> Sinner_: the config file for the ssh client is /etc/ssh/ssh_conf
< jeremyp> and it's something in .ssh/ for user-level overrides
< Sinner_> and the serve sshd.conf
< sweeper> some of the Solaris boxen I use don't have it enabled by default. (but note to self: this is the *RH*CE discussion :)
< jeremyp> (ForwardX11 Yes is the command)
-!- RedWolfe [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has quit [Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement))]
< Sinner_> cool
< Sinner_> did you work with transparent mouse pointers?
< sweeper> jeremyp: the per user ssh client config is $HOME/.ssh/config
< Sinner_> and/or animated mouse pointers?
-!- RedWolfe_ is now known as RedWolfe
< Sinner_> did you guys talked about the nested X server?
< jeremyp> I don't think pointers were mentioned. That's probably not something that would be RHCE relevant in my guess.
< jeremyp> nested?
< Sinner_> yup
< jeremyp> explain?
< Sinner_> having another X server nested into your current X server, in a window
< Sinner_> it's in the package Xnest or something like this
* sweeper has to go answer the phone
< RedWolfe> nope we didnt cover nesting
< Sinner_> so you can connect to a second Xserver machine, full desktop, in a X Window, like, say, VNC
< Sinner_> no need to CTRL-ALT-F8
< jeremyp> cool, I didn't know about that
< Sinner_> or Xvnest
< Sinner_> it's a very cool usage of X
< Sinner_> and then, there's the virtua framebuffer
-!- RedWolfe_ [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< Sinner_> for those servers that are keyboardless, mouseless, videocardless and monitorñless
< jeremyp> RedWolfe_: having trouble?
< Sinner_> but, still, an application needs an X server to display info (mostly, ported apps from legacy systems, say Microsoft)
< Sinner_> then the virtual frame buffer x server is the solution
< Sinner_> the "display" goes to /dev/null
< Sinner_> or you can write it to a file, to take a "screenshot"
< Sinner_> ok
< Sinner_> what else was in the class that you all learned about?
-!- RedWolfe_ [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
< Sinner_> nothing else?
-!- RedWolfe_ [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jeremyp> sorry trying to do three things at once
-!- RedWolfe [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has quit [Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement))]
< jeremyp> RedWolfe_: having trouble?
-!- RedWolfe_ is now known as RedWolfe
< RedWolfe> yes, I'me getting dumped occasionally
< Sinner_> RedWolfe it looks like you are not getting properly identified by NickServ
< Sinner_> see: <-- RedWolfe has left (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)))
< RedWolfe> that's me recovering my nick after a disconnect
< Sinner_> so, nothing else? X through ssh and that's it?
-!- gmontag [~Eclectic@cpe-024-211-155-213.nc.rr.com] has left #trilug-rhce ["Client Exiting"]
< jeremyp> well we covered the various ways to configure X
< RedWolfe> there *must* have been something else :-)
< jeremyp> redhat-config-xfree86, the /etc/X11/XF86Config, etc
< jeremyp> RedWolfe: you were there, can you help ? :)
< Sinner_> anything new on XF86Config ?
< RedWolfe> well, redhat-config-xfree86 command
< Sinner_> can you use it safely within an X session?
< RedWolfe> there is a package available in RH9 for one of the config progs, but it has to be specificially selected
< jeremyp> Sinner_: of course
< jeremyp> it runs in X
< jeremyp> all it does is save a new XF86Config
< jeremyp> you have to log out and log in again to make the changes effective, if you're running it from X
< jeremyp> but if you run it outside of X it will try to start an X server to run itself
< Sinner_> so no magic X restart without loggin off
< jeremyp> nah
< Sinner_> can you use it in text mode?
< jeremyp> X is still way behind Windows when it comes to resizing
< jeremyp> YES
< jeremyp> that's what I meant by "but if you run it outside of X it will try to start an X server to run itself"
< Sinner_> any option like redhast-config-xfree86 --with-no-X
< Sinner_> --textmode
< Sinner_> or similar?
< jeremyp> not that I know of
< jeremyp> but that's okay
< jeremyp> it will work in text mode by starting its own X server
< RedWolfe> nope, no $DISPLAY set, and it tries screen localhost:0 or something
< jeremyp> it will automatically fall back to simpler drivers if it can't start an X server
< jeremyp> RedWolfe: wrong
< jeremyp> it starts its own X server if there's not one running
< Sinner_> what about setting different window managers?
< RedWolfe> we just tried it and it came up on ccw's screen
< Sinner_> (defauult window managers for a user)
< jeremyp> Sinner_: that has nothing to do with XF86Config
< Sinner_> ok
< Sinner_> so it looks like we are all set
< jeremyp> but it has to do with the "prefdm" stuff
< Sinner_> ahaha
< Sinner_> i meqn
< Sinner_> i mean... "I see"
< Sinner_> (very bad direct translation)
< jeremyp> RedWolfe: not sure what you mean. if there's an X server running locally it will run in it sure. no different than any other X program
< Sinner_> ok
< Sinner_> I gotta run
< Sinner_> thank you guys
< RedWolfe> yes, but I'm ssh'ed into the machine, without DISPLAY set in the env
< Sinner_> BTW, tomorrow I'll miss TriLUG (I'm on call)
< Sinner_> darn!
< jeremyp> RedWolfe: ssh sets the DISPLAY for you, remember!
< Sinner_> see you.... next live RHCE meeting (I hope)
< RedWolfe> nope, no DISPLAY in an env listing
-!- Sinner_ [~sinner@ip68-101-8-79.nc.hr.cox.net] has quit ["man eats meals!"]
< jeremyp> RedWolfe: I guess I see what you mean about it defaulting to localhost:0 then. But I thought you meant "in text mode" -- ie from a Linux console with no X server running
< jeremyp> (since we were discussing "text mode" ) -- not ssh X11 forwarding
< RedWolfe> nah, that would start a new server, ccw: did it start a new server, or just open a window?
< RedWolfe> sweeper: are you there?
< sweeper> RedWolfe: not really. I'm on the phone and wandering in and out
< RedWolfe> I guess everyone else went to eat somewhere
< jeremyp> These IRC sessions seem to be of limited usefulness lately.
< jeremyp> No one but me would answer Sinner_'s questions of what we did last week!
< sweeper> jeremyp: I answered a few before I had to run off ...
-!- ccw_ [~ccw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< sweeper> but I agree that these have been of limited usefulness recently
-!- RedWolfe_ [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
< RedWolfe_> GDSOB!
< RedWolfe_> jcsobb
-!- RedWolfe_ [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has left #trilug-rhce []
< ccw_> jeremyp: would you please kick ccw?
< ccw_> anybody besides jeremyp an IRC op?
< ccw_> HELLO, is EVERYBODY gone?
< ccw_> fts!
-!- ccw_ [~ccw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has quit ["Client Exiting"]
-!- RedWolfe [~ggw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
-!- ccw [~ccw@durham-ar1-4-64-253-233.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
--- Log closed Wed Jun 11 22:23:05 2003
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